Pupuk Gramafix® Padi [ Fertilizer for Rice Paddy ][Sep. 23, 2010 18:25:39]
Fertilizing is not appropriate dose, time, and do not cause the plants to grow well and optimal. Plant nutrient shortage or excess fertilizer. And vice versa, fertilization could lead to overdosing of nutrient imbalance in the soil, damaging soil properties, and environmental pollution. A good fertilization requires the availability of fertilizers that contain all the necessary nutrients plant available when needed according to crop growth stage. Complete fertilizer such types include crop- specific fertilizers Gramafix.
Gramafix® Padi is a compound fertilizer formula specific produced only for the rice paddy crop. This rice fertilizer will help farmers get many customers fertilizers and nutrients in each tablet. With full content covering the primary nutrient ( N, P, K) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro essential nutrient ( Zn, B, Bo, Mn, Zn, Cl) and presented in the form of tablets 3 g, one ha of paddy rice as an example, as research recommendations Rice Research Center ( Balitpadi ) Sukamandi - only need Gramafix® Rice Fields 120 kg - 160 kg per season. This formula is registered in the Ministry of Agriculture RI No: T 903/ BSP/ II/ 2003.
Inner plastic packaging and outer carton to ensure transport, storage and handling at the port of transportation including Gramafix® Paddy Rice becomes safe, cheap and easy. The entire compound fertilizer with Gramafix® Paddy Rice trademarks using the following packaging specifications:
a) packaging in the ( inner packing) : Plastic PE 0.8 to 1, water-resistant packaging and air, the capacity of 5 kg ( gross weight)
b) The outer packaging ( outer packing) made out of cardboard D / W: a) Size: ( 355 x 360 x 263) mm b) Type of cardboard: 200/ 150/ K200 K, c) Capacity: 20 Kg.