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Mr. Helmi -Syarif [Owner/Entrepreneur]
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Phone number of Mr. Helmi -Syarif at Semarang
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Mobile number of Mr. Helmi -Syarif at Semarang
jl Teratai 44 Kupang Kidul Rt02 Rw08 Ambarawa
Semarang 50612, Jawa Tengah
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CP ( Centrocema Pubescens)
CP ( Centrocema Pubescens)[Dec. 13, 2011 20:47:51]
CP ( Centrocema Pubescens) , one of cover crop variety.other seeds are cm, mocuna, and pj....
Jati Unggul
Jati Unggul[Dec. 12, 2011 21:00:34]
SuperTeak. We offer super teak seed and other wood seed like sengon, mindi, trembesi, ....
biji benih Sengon Buto ( Enterolubium Cyclocarpum)
UD.Tani jaya offers sengon buto ( Enterolubium Cyclocarpum) and also supply seed of cover....
Kesambi ( schleichera oleosa)
Kesambi ( schleichera oleosa)[Dec. 5, 2011 21:31:32]
UD Tani Jaya offers kesambi seed as hard plantation.also served cover crop like cp, cm, ....
Sengon Laut ( Albazia Falcata / Paraserianthes Falcataria)
One of forest tree variety with good quality of wood with 7-8 years harvest time.We also....
PJ ( purera Javanica)
PJ ( purera Javanica)[Dec. 22, 2010 8:08:05]
UD Tanijaya also provide Purera Javanica seed ( PJ) which is cover crop plant type. We....
Orok-orok hijau CRJ ( Clotalaria Jincia)
UD Tanijaya also provide orok-orok ( clotalaria mucronata) . We also provide other cover....
Mahoni ( Swietenia Macrophylla)
Mahoni ( Swietenia Macrophylla)[Dec. 22, 2010 7:43:37]
Mahoni ( Swietenia Macrophylla) , Its wood used for building material and its seed could....
Soil Conditioner Pintas
Soil Conditioner Pintas[May. 17, 2008 7:03:30]
Soil Conditioner Pintas will add 25% -35% of your harvest with economic priceand efficient....
Benih Jarak Pagar(jathropa)
Benih Jarak Pagar(jathropa)[Apr. 29, 2008 4:36:38]
UD Tanijaya serve jathropa seed, used to convert fossil oil to bio harvested,
CU (Clotalaria Usorinensis)
CU (Clotalaria Usorinensis)[Apr. 11, 2008 23:11:27]
UD Tanijaya also provide Soil fertilizer seed CU ( clotalaria usorinensis) . We also....
Trembesi (Albazia saman)
Trembesi (Albazia saman)[Apr. 11, 2008 23:04:50]
UD Tanijaya also provides Trembesi ( Albizia Saman) seed and other wood plant seed like....
Kangkung Darat
Kangkung Darat[Feb. 20, 2006 17:15:15]
We would offer one variety of vegetable seed that called kangkung darat
Sawi bakso (Caisim)
Sawi bakso (Caisim)[Nov. 15, 2005 20:49:54]
UD Tani Jaya would offer caisim seed for worldwide original farmer.
Bayam (spinach seed)
Bayam (spinach seed)[Nov. 15, 2005 9:43:52]
UD Tani Jaya would offer spinach seed.You could also find cover crop seed for foresty....
showing 1-15 of 15