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    Humus Boster

    Humus Boster

    Rp.800 / Kg ( Nego )
    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, Bank Cheque
    Pack. & Delivery:
    Zak Plastik @ 50kg

    Specification :

    Humus Bio Soil Conditioner " Humus booster" enriched organic fertilizer made of filter cake, Ash Boiler & livestock waste that has been in perfect fermentation and passed a microbe Energize termopholic with Micro Organism. Enriched with humic acid, volcanic minerals, fastening N microbe, microbe Solvent P / K, Mycorrhiza, and Trichoderma harzianum. Humus booster formulated for all types of soil and plants. While the application of critical land and peat soil microbe necessary assistance and the formulation of binding residues in the soil.

    Formulation in the humus booster has different functions and support each other for soil improvement and increased yield. These functions are listed as follows:
    - Humic Acid / Humic Acid soil and serve as binding residues of heavy metals in the soil, due to the remainder of the coal mining, petroleum, gold, tin, etc..
    - Serves as a counterweight Volcanic Mineral nutrients in the soil and enhancing the population of micro-and macro-organisms in the soil.
    - Microbe function tie fastening N N N free and turn it into that absorbed by plants.
    - Microbe Solvent P / K function dissolving P / K in the soil of which can not be absorbed by plants can be absorbed by plants.
    - Mycorrhiza functioning as an anti-root disease and other soil borne diseases, and help facilitate the absorption of plant nutrients and nutrients from the soil.
    - Trichoderma harzianum is a predatory microbe phatogen soil / soil disease that can lead to root rot and stem rot of plants.

    Humus booster specially formulated to fix the conditions of soil and gradually convert chemical fertilizers. With the use of booster Humus in the hope that an increased yield increased 50% from usual.

    Humus booster was applied as basal fertilizer and follow with a dose of 1 ton per hectare for food crops and horticulture. And Dose 2 tons per hectare for crops. With the application of humus booster routinely expected to improve the welfare of farmers by increasing yields an average of 50% and decrease production costs at least 50% .


    By : Wahyu Fajar Widodo

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