MINDRAY HEMATOLOGY ANALIZER BC-5380[May. 17, 2009 22:09:03]
1. 5 part differential, 27 parameters, 3 histograms+1 scatter grams
2. Laser scatter technology combined with chemical dye method, Flow Cytometry
3. Differential lyse technology for Basophil measurement
4. 2 Counting modes: whole blood and prediluted
5. Only 20 ul sample volume for CBC+DIFF test
6. 30 tubes autoloader and up to 60 samples per hour
7. Ability to flag abnormal cells
8. Optional external PC, Bar code scanner
9. Windows-based software
10.Multiple QC programs
11.Large storage capacity: up to 40,000 samples
Standard Configuration:
1. Main unit
2. Standard Accessories kit
3. Standard kit of Reagent for Installation
1. External PC
2. External Barcode scanner