POL: Jakarta POD: Genoa/ Fos/ La Spesia: Usd650/ 1200/ 1300 per 20dc/ 40dc/ 40hc Valencia/ Madrid/ Malta/ Venice/ Napoli/ Barcelona: Usd700/ 1300/ 14 00 per 20dc/ 40dc/ 40hc Alexandria/ Port Said/ Istambul: Usd1000....
PT. Joyabadi Mitraprima is a International Freight Forwarder in Jakarta, Indonesia with more than 15 years of experience in sea transportation, it ensure you the quality of services and door to door....
CAN SUPPLIES INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. www .... company/ dealer/ wholesaler/ retailer/ distributor 5 MADRID Spain Tin boxes/ cans/ introduction/ map/ company/ dealer/ wholesaler/ retailer/ distributor 6 ROMA....
CAN SUPPLIES INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. www.packinchina.com E-mail: csintl@ 126.com Mr.Elwin Do you have the experiences that you are outsourcing your packaging and could not find a suitable manufacturer....
Dear Sir, Patois Agencia S.L. is an official .... Agencia S.L. 13 C/ l. Balcon de Atlantico, 28130, Madrid, Spain Tel: + 34 628 100 403....
We are seller official mandate holder, we sell HMS 1& 2. Our office is located in Madrid Spain and our seller owned the yard in Cadiz Spain.
we are ball manufacture .we can make basketball, .... present.we have made a big order for Barcelona AND Real Madrid, it is very popular to football fan and win a good reputataion in there.....
We are a manufacturer of all kinds of laminated/ handsewn soccerball/ football/ volleyball/ present ball/ advertisement ball/ art ball/ photo ball etc. We produce approx. 1500 laminated balls per day at....
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