INDONESIAN TEMU RAPET, Temu Gombyok , Kunir putih .... kunci pepet, kunir putih ( Javanese) , temu rapet ( eastern Sumatra) . ~ Malaysia: kencur, kunyit putih, temu putih ( Peninsular) . ~ ....
Dipokusumo Farm... is supplier for agrobusiness products... Dipokusumo Farm... is the supplier for fruit plants and flower plants. The collection for fruit plants is over 100 varieties from local....
service: We are interested to cooperate with .... and Air - Java-Bali Area: Via Land, Sea and Air - Eastern Indonesia: Via Sea and Air....
PT. PHOENIX JAYA MANDIRI is a freight company and Custom Clearance Services Export-Import, Wholesale Nor Official ( All-Inclusive) , Process Management Customs, For importers who do not have the....
TASBIH Kokka / KAUKA / FUQOHA ORIGINAL: ( .... grow in forests especially in countries middle eastern Arab region, Turkey, Nigeria, Iran, Egypt, Afghanistan and other middle east countries. ....
WELCOME TO OUR WEBSITE SIMPLE We hope your visit to make blessings and benefits for we are all in the world and the hereafter, Amen ... ABOUT US: ANEKA_ WISDOM: It is a company that....
latin: Imperata cylindrica Imperata cylindrica, .... Asia, India, Micronesia, Melanesia, Australia, and eastern and southern Africa. It grows from 0.6â € “ 3 m ( 2â € “ 10 feet) tall. The leaves are....
We offer natural herbal products, wholesale buyers and personals buyer are all welcomed. We offer: dried simplisia, powdered simplisia, and also end products ( bottle, capsule, etc) .Please contact....
P.1 Coffee Papua Wamena Baliem Papua Wamena collection comes from the highest village in the Eastern Indonesia. At about 1, 800 metres above the sea level, Baliem' s coffee growers practice....
Sale coffee retail and wholesale Greenbean Roastbean Ground / Powder Blend, one of the best coffee in the world from indonesia ( Civet Luwak Single Origin Arabica Robusta Liberica excelsa Specialty....
Dracaena angustifolia ( Medik.) Roxb. synomim= .... loreng green yellow ) . ~ Traditional medicine eastern asia know rhizomes and roots suji as a source of tonikum and allegedly efficacious....
Dipokusumo Farm is supplier for agrobusiness products Dipokusumo Farm is the supplier for fruit plants and flower plants. The collection for fruit plants is over 100 varieties from local and....
Pacific Transindo is a Specialist Trucking Trailer Container Services in East Java , Bali & Lombok With Three Locations in Eastern Indonesia , Surabaya , Bali & Lombok , Pacific Transindo ready to....
PACIFIC TRANS work prioritizes customer by providing the best quality service, the transport system ( Land Air and Sea) a fast, economical , so that customers can save time and transportation costs. ....
HERBAL SLIMMING fatloss slimming 1 Week Down .... - PIN: 7fccbffc office: General -Jl.Sunter eastern block O1 No.99 jak-ut BOOKING OUTSIDE CITY / ISLAND WE SEND VIA MAIL XPRESS / TIKI / ....
Our official supplier of HDPE pipe eastern region of Indonesia would like to offer acesorris hdpe pipes that do not exist in the official pricelist. we can provide enquel tees, reducers etc. sock. as....
The Narcissus Brand vinegar consists of rice alcohol, water and sticky rice. Excellent for enhancing the taste of your favorite dishes. Delicious.
Packaging and Distributing Goods to supermarket( carrefour, hero, goro, makro, indomaret, etc) all around Indonesia.
Poinsettia pulcherrima R. Grah. Indonesian = KASTUBA MERAH ~ EASTERN FLOWER ~ Kastuba ~ Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Et Klotzsch. ~ Poinsettia pulcherrima R. Grah. ~ READY STOCK EASTERN FLOWER= ....
" NURIDA_ FARM_ NUSERY" naming a business entity engaged in the business services trade...~ RAW MATERIALS / PRODUCTS / CULTURE / ARTS CRAFTS / tools / equipment / field FARM MACHINERY / ....
We sell the flyash. Bulk purchases with 35-38 tons. Price Pertonase: 200000-250000 ( depending on delivery location) * For now we only can send eastern Java *
Perusahaan ini bernaung dalam bidang kontruksi bangunan . kami menyediakan fly ash yaitu limbah batu bara yang bersifat seperti semen . fungsi dari fly ash tersebut lebih bertujuan untuk finising....
Foam AFFF 3 % and 6 % ( Aqueous Film Forming Foam .... Housing West - Sunday Market - South Jakarta 128 . Eastern Housing - Sunday Market - South Jakarta 129 . Kebagusan - Sunday Market - South....
Our company is engaged in the provision of fire extinguishers , fire extinguisher refills that have passed the test laboratory , has been officially registered , can guarantee the authenticity of the....
we have a silica sand mine in eastern Lampung with levels: SiO2 : 98.42% Fe2O3 : 0.11% Al2O3 : 0.45 % K2O : 0.16% Na2O : 0.29% Packaging 50 kg bags, the truck capacity of 30 T.....
Green Petro Oil is a company registered in Lampung Province as a company engaged in the sale of fuels and mining. we have some of the mines that are in Lampung another quarry only between iron and....
Dracaena angustifolia ( Medik.) Roxb. Indonesian .... loreng green yellow ) . ~ Traditional medicine eastern asia know rhizomes and roots suji as a source of tonikum and allegedly efficacious....
AgroKusumaFarm is suppliers of agroproduct and herbal from lovely Indonesia countries , Origin= Indonesia, Central-East-West Java