Item discharge bore size mm ~ pumping fluid: .... capacity m3/ min: 5.0/ 4.5 starting method: STAR-DELTA dry weight: 850 cable length: 10....
PT. Osmo Marina Mandiri is a business company for supplying industrial pump, technical supply and other general part in various industry. Giving rapidly contribution towards industry development such....
Electrical Switchboard Low Voltage -Drawout Type ( MCC Panel)
https: / / watch? v= DDA6Lu6it2w Delta Jaya Engineering, PT ( DJE) is a group of young professional with the same goal, which is to work in all field. Though it was founded on....
Flowmeters TOP Positive Displacement Flowmeters Coriolis Flowmeter Vortex Flowmeter EX DELTA II VF DELTA ( Thermistor type) Reduced EX DELTA II DELTA FLOWPET DX DELTA FLOWPET Hybrid Multi....
Is a company in the service sales tools Industrial Instrumentation, Laboratory, Calibration and Service. Mission and Our Vision is to conduct trading activities with emphasis on customer....
DAIHATSU Xenia : - Depan : Rp 690.000 KYB Indo .... Charade ( G10/ G11) : 335.000 ( RR RL) KA series Delta ( V22/ V83) : 280.000 ( FR FL) - 180.000 ( RR RL) KA series Hijet ( S38P) : 195.000....
Online parts shop - we serve retail or wholesale. We can supply domestic and foreign via trusted courier : FedEx.
Dengen Delta batery charge of high quality made in Japan with various spec to order goods please contact Tel.021-29-371-371 Fax.021-29-070-430 email.betheljaya@ hp.0817-492-2220
Bethel Jaya is a supplier companies engaged in share trading products including the following: safety equipment - welding tools - common technical tools. general chemical-treatment. various-abrasive....
We are supplying products LK3 complete and .... Fall Protection : CIG, Sala, Karam Fire Equipment : Delta Fire, Tuntas, Flir, Honeywell Fireman Protective Equipment : Bullard, CIG, DuPont First....
Aura Bukit Cahaya is a distributor and contractor of some technical equipment in Indonesia. Our focus in the field of electrical mechanical engineering. In addition we also have a subsidiary....
Delta UPS� � � Amplon Family RT Series, Single Phase 6 kVA Reliable power with intelligent energy-saving fea-tures The Amplon RT series delivers double-conversion on-line technology, high power....
PT. Uni Network Communications ( UNC) is a .... BRAND REX Cabling System SYSTIMAX Cabling System Delta UPS SYSTEM Austin Hughes, Data Center Solutions kWH PDU-Smart Card Handle-KVM-EMS....
Simple modern home with Type 45/ 90 and 36/ 72 .... Cikarang Industrial like Jababeka, MM2100, YKK, EJIP & Delta silicon / Lipo.....
" Rolas Marketing Team" was born and direct running and want to immediately run began on 12 months 12 at 12.00 in the Ruko 12, backed by the main purpose Rolas Team namely " Progress together on the....
FS Dims. O 3mm x L 2mm Use into All type Gamma Projector : 1. SPEC150 2. Oseric 3. TSI Serries 4. Sentinel 880 Delta & Serries 5. TechOps, Ammertest, Ammersham 660
PT. Gamma Ray Indonesia Integrated of General Trading NDT Product Supplier Service in Indonesia A Law of Rule Company as General Trading Source Radioactive for NDT Industrial As Agent and....
INVERTER VFD-C2000 The VFD-C2000 series is a high performance FOC ( Field Oriented Control) AC drive. This drive is extremely versatile with a real built-in PLC, numerous control options, over 300....
KACANG BIDUK Dolichos lablab L.B Sinonim= Lablab purpureus Indonesian= Kacang biduk, kara gajih, kacang bado, kara wedus ( Jawa) , kacang peda ( Sunda) Lokal= Kacang Jeriji, roway, kacang ped, ....
Dipokusumo Farm... is supplier for agrobusiness products... Dipokusumo Farm... is the supplier for fruit plants and flower plants. The collection for fruit plants is over 100 varieties from local....
Line-Interactive 3kVA/ 2.7kW UPS( 2U) , with 12V9Ahx6pcs battery, e4 minutes Backup time, inclusive ear bracket/ rail kit/ input, output, RS232 cables
PT. UNI NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS is an industry leader specializing in the manufacture and inovation of high quality Rack System, as partner for High Performance Network Cabling Solutions, Enclosure....
FENNER WEDGE, V-BELT & TAPPER LOCK PULLEY .... Standart belt section SPZ, SPA, SPB, SPC, 8V or Delta, Z, A, B, C, and D are available with lenghts up to 15.200 mm....
Type: Plastic Tumbler / Thumbler Plastik / Sports Bottle / ready stock / bottle / high quality / drinkwares / botol / tumbler / barang promosi / souvenir / Mug Material : Plastic ( plastik)
Redpod Gifts Provides a wide variety of Ready Stock Drinkwares. From Plastic Bottle and Tumbler, Stainless Bottle and Tumbler, Sports Bottle, Vacuum Tumbler, Vacuum Flask and also Food Jar We also....
Our Products: Smart Technology * * application: .... REVELATION DIDIK PRASTYONO Komplek Pertokoan Delta Permai Ph: 031-8421325 ( hunting 6 lines) ext: 5319 Fax: 031-8421324, 8418809 HP: ....