Jual Pompa Hydrotest 200 Bar Solusi Jaya Hawk Pump Type XXT Ex Italy W 200 â € “ 55 EPT â € œ Pressure pro â € with Elektro Motor .Specification : - Performance : 200 Bar / 2900 Psi, 55 liters per....
Our PT. Solusi in the field of HOT & COLD WATER HEAVY PRESSURE CLEANERS.perusahan we are distributor of pumps and pump hawk pratissoli.dan our pumps are imported directly from itali.dari pressure of....
Pompa Hydrotest Pressure 200 Bar Series NMT Ex Italy Solusi Jaya W 200 â € “ 15 EPT â € œ Pressure pro â € with Elektro Motor .Specification : - Performance : 200 Bar / 2900 Psi, 15 liters per min -....
We are PT. Solusi Jaya engaged in HEAVY HOT & COLD WATER PRESSURE CLEANERS.perusahan we are distributor of pumps and pump hawk pratissoli.dan our pumps are imported directly from itali.dari pressure....
Our Product: Compressor pump, water pump, chemical pump, oil pump, hydraulic pump, air pump, mechanical seal, block pump, piston, shaft, spare part etc. Merk: duraglass, graco, saer, milton roy, ....
PT NUSAMANDALA is moving in technical equipment .... instalation, repair etc.( China, japan, korea, USA, italy, German, england etc) Our Product: blower fan, heat exchanger, hydraulic, filter, ....
1.Unit Pump water Hydrotest W 170 â € “ 15 EPTâ € œ .... information : - Pump : Triple water plunger â € œ HAWK Ex Italy â € - Valves : Stainless steel - Plunger : Stainless steel with ceramic....
PT.SOLUSI JAYA. Our company is a distributor Hawk Pumps, Pumps and Pump Pratissoli we imported directly from Italy. pressure of 100 bar to 1500 bar. TRADE PUMP HAWK, PRATISSOLLI HIGH PRESSURE....
The CPR pocket mask is a non-invasive, latex free mask with inflatable cuff and an integral non-rebreathing valve and efficient filter to prevent direct mouth contact with the patient' s face when....
1 Clean Water Pump Unit HP W 250-30 EPS " .... - Pump: Three plunger water " HAWK XLT 3025 Ex Italy " - Valves: Stainless steel - Plunger: Stainless steel with ceramic coating. Email: ....
Pompa Hydrotest Pressure 250 bar Solusi Jaya Product Italy Hawk Pump NPM W 250 â € “ 15 EPT â € œ Pressure pro â € with Elektro Motor .Specification : - Performance : 250 Bar / 3.625 Psi, 15 liters....
Our PT. Solusi Jaya in the field of HOT & COLD WATER HEAVY PRESSURE CLEANERS.perusahan we are distributor of pumps and pump hawk pratissoli.dan our pumps are imported directly from itali.dari....
Pompa Hydrotest Pressure 170 bar Hawk Pump Ex Italy Product Solusi Jaya W 170 â € “ 15 EPTâ € œ Pressure pro â € with Elektro Motor .Specification : - Performance : 170 Bar / 2460 Psi, 15 liters per....
Pompa Hydrotest 500 Bar Pressure Water Hawk Pump Type PX Ex Italy W 500-21 EPS â € œ Pressure pro â € with Elektro Motor .Specification : - Performance : 500 Bar / 7.250 Psi, 21 liters per min -....
Pompa Hydrotest Pressure 500 Bar Product Solusi Jaya Italy Hawk Pump Type PX W 500-21 EPS â € œ Pressure pro â € with Elektro Motor .Specification : - Performance : 500 Bar / 7.250 Psi, 21 liters....
HIGH PRESSURE PUMP.HIGH PRESSURE CLEANER, HIGH PRESSURE WATER BLASTER Pressure - 110 bar - 1500 Bar / 1450 psi - 21750 psi Flow rate - 12 L/ M - 200 L/ M 1. Electric driven High pressure pump.....
Pompa Hydrotest Pressure 500 bar Pump Ex Italy Hawk Type HHP Solusi Jaya W 500-41 EPS â € œ Pressure pro â € .Specification : - Performance : 500 Bar / 7.250 Psi , 41 L/ M Hawk Pump HHP 4150 -....
Pompa Interpump WS201 PRESSURE : 200 BAR FLOWRATE : 21 L/ M EX ITALY
Pompa Hydrotest Pressure 200 Bar Hawk Pump XXT Ex Italy Product Solusi Jaya W 200 â € “ 55 EPT â € œ Pressure pro â € with Elektro Motor .Specification : - Performance : 200 Bar / 2900 Psi, 55 liters....
Pompa Hydrotest 500 Bar Hawk Pump PX Hydrostatic test Ex Italy W 500-21 EPS â € œ Pressure pro â € with Elektro Motor .Specification : - Performance : 500 Bar / 7.250 Psi, 21 liters per min -....
Kami PT. Solusi Bergerak dibidang HEAVY HOT & COLD AIR TEKANAN CLEANERS.perusahan Kami adalah distributor Pompa elang Dan Pompa pratissoli.dan Pompa Kami diimpor langsung bahasa Dari itali.dari....
Pompa Hydrotest 500 Bar Solusi Jaya HHP Hawk Pump Ex Italy W 500-41 EPS â € œ Pressure pro â € .Specification : - Performance : 500 Bar / 7.250 Psi , 41 L/ M Hawk Pump HHP 4150 - Power : 53 HP/ ....
PT. Solusi Jaya engaged in HEAVY HOT & COLD WATER CLEANERS.perusahan pressur we are distributor of pumps and pump hawk pratissoli.dan our pumps are imported directly from itali.dari pressure of 100....