Potato source Vitamin C and The Hypertension In addition to carbohydrates, potatoes are also rich in vitamin C. Only with the food 200 grams of potatoes, vitamin C daily needs met. Potatoes have a....
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BUSSI-R1 ( Bibit Ubi Sambung Super Intensive-Randan 1 ) is seeds with stek system that have the potential to produce up to 50kg per tree. BUSSI-R1: 1. Can be use to 2 time cultivation 2. High....
100% Authentic Pure Indonesian Kopi Luwak Civet Coffee Beans This coffee will make a perfect gift for any coffee lover. Its wrapped in a beautiful gold bag and placed in an elegant gold and brown....
PT Indah Jayana established at 2006 engaged in domestic transportation by Land and Sea. Our Business development are in mining field, agriculture, and plantation. At this time, We are looking for....
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The GE Signa HDx 1.5T MRI is a whole-body, high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio scanner with short scan times. The Signa HDx 1.5T MRI is an upgraded modification of the earlier 1.5 Tesla GE....
We are medicalinu an distributor of medical equipments. With the highest quality products and services. We really hope to expand our business through cooperation with individuals and companies from....
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I sell fish betta fighting with Best Quality and cheap price, despite selling less fish than me. but not necessarily the quality of the fish better ... I offer price Grade A Rp 50, 000 Grade....
We Sell Betta Fish With The Best Quality And cheapest. although there are selling cheaper, not necessarily that you get the best quality sites selling free ..
Pheromones are substances produced naturally in the body that can arouse sexual desire or interest in the opposite sex. Now researchers have discovered Pheromones artificial pheromones have the same....
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CV.BELAWAN MANDIRI is the best International & Domestic Freight Forwardes-Shipping Agency & Land of Transport. In Bahasa called EMKL ( Ekspedisi Muatan Kapal Laut) . We serve an Inovative, Pleasant, ....
Herbal Life : Sari Kurma, Habbatusauda, Madu, Minyak Zaitun, Syamil, Jahe Merah, HabbaSyifa, Salamah Plus, SunCream, Propolis, Madu, Sarang Semut dll
Red Papua Oil plus habbatussauda plus zaitun extra virgin 60 capsul @ 500 mg