Trade List - Ethiopia - Show All Valid - RSS - International Import Export Trade Leads MarketplaceenFri, 28 Mar 2025 07:52:25 [ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia]/RixosTradingPLC/5932476/RIXOS TRADING PLC20150930115317Products Catalog: Ethiopian Arabica coffee light roast and ground coffee [addis ababa, Ethiopia]Dear Sirs or Madam, We are coffee exporter from Ethiopia - one of largest production company . We are glad to offer you wide range of natural coffee powder from Robusta or Arabica coffee bean, ..../madihalalgroup/5384840/ethiopian-arabica-coffee-light-roast-and-ground-coffee.htmmadihalalgroup plc.20141202180303: [Addis Ababa, Ethiopia]/bm_trading_company/5376743/bm trading company20141126110140: [Addis Ababa, Ethipia, Ethiopia]/bmtradingcompany/5370380/bm trading company20141122085122: [Adama, Oromia, Ethiopia]/MMMExport/5218977/MMM International Industrial and Export Pvt.Ltd.Co20140908100810: [Addis Ababa, Shewa, Ethiopia]/desattradingplc/5159578/Des AT Trading P L C20140817224958: [addisababa, Ethiopia]/lbsolutions/4874174/logical business solution PLC20140329192930: [Addis Abeba, Ethiopia]/brexplc/4786947/Brex Plc20140219233142: [Addis Ababa, -, Ethiopia]/Ababu/4762614/desalegn Mengistu G/ Kirstos Export20140209112914: [addis ababa, Ethiopia, Ethiopia]/JOBethiopEXPORTIMPOR/4137192/JOBethiop EXPORT/ IMPORT Co.20130402231739Products Catalog: PEANUTS [ADDISABABA, ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="PEANUTS" id=""></a>ETHIOPIAN ORIGIN PEANUTS MACHINE CLEAN NEW CROP-2013/CHWEANIEPLC/4097571/peanuts.htmCHWEANI IMPORT & EXPORT P.L.C20130315102112: [ADDIS SBEBA, Ethiopia]/REJACOSMO/3848792/REJA COSMETICS TRADING20121117223230: [Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia]/nefassilkpaints/3758465/Nefas Silk APints Factory20121008152338: [Addis Ababa, Ethiopia]/tsmopowertrading/2621736/Sofia hassen General Importer20110519173946Products Catalog: Roasted Coffee [Addis Ababa, Ethiopia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Roasted Coffee" id=""></a>Ethiopian grows one of the world� � � s best coffees. We have the following types of Roasted and Green coffee, Sidamo, Jimma, Yergachefe, Nekemte, Kafa, Gimbi, Limu, Limu Kosa, and Harrar. Each coffee..../abbafimportexport/2664804/roasted-coffee.htmAbbaf Import Export20110608100801Products Catalog: Fresh Red Onion [Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Fresh Red Onion" id=""></a>We offer, sell and export high quality fresh red onions to the gulf nations, especially UAE and Egypt./dawitplc/2595285/fresh-red-onion.htmDAWIT PLC20110506143832Products Catalog: washed and Unwashed Coffee [Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="washed and Unwashed Coffee" id=""></a>Ethiopian Origin organic Coffee ( washed and Unwashed)/RobtesTrading/2521885/washed-and-unwashed-coffee.htmRobtes For Trade and Investment20110331182026Products Catalog: Bio Magnetic Germanium Energetic Bracelets [ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia]<a href=""><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer;" src="" border="1" alt="Bio Magnetic Germanium Energetic Bracelets" id=""></a>Bio Magnetic and Far infrared Therapy Totally Natural Pain Relieve. Bio-magnetism is using Nature' s Energy to help overcome the Magnetic Deficiency Syndrome while living in a supplemental magnetic..../mekuaddis/1546439/bio-magnetic-germanium-energetic-bracelets.htmMEKU ADDIS IMPORT20090916133527Products Catalog: cheap nfl jeseys, nfl jeseys cheap, nfl jerseys for sale, nfl jerseys no sale, buy nfl jerseys, nfl.... [sdf, sd, Ethiopia]Do you konw why Cheap Nfl Jerseys are so popular today? H 0619 Just everyone knows NFL Football Jersey is a widely welcomed sport all over the world, especially in Europe and some western countries...../asdsadasdas/1986300/cheap-nfl-jeseys-nfl-jeseys-cheap-nfl-jerseys-for-sale-nfl.htmHuiyue20100619084426Products Catalog: civetone/ civetmusk [addis ababa, region 14, Ethiopia]Perfum companies who want to buy pure organic civetone can contact us/kettytrading/1805310/civetone-civetmusk.htmshemsu and girma trading20100309140723