The Elcometer 138/ 2 Surface Contamination Kit provides the means for testing invisible surface contaminants: pH chloride ions iron salts KIT CONTENTS E135----A Bresle Sampler ( Box of....
CV. SARANA MITRA SADAYA We are a company engaged in selling of equipment Sand Blasting and Painting. We favor customer satisfaction whether in time delivery, price and customer services. As for the....
tangki plarik untuk penampungan air, minyak sayur, dan kebutuhan lainnya
6 MONTH WARRANTY Product Description: 0.3 Mega Pixel camera MJPEG Compression Infra Red ( Visibility s / d 15 Meters) Can In Access Via Android, iPhone, PC 24-Hour Online Via Internet ....
with the growth in time and technology, we provide consumer electronic goods, yes it is in the form of CCTV and GPS Tracker,
CPU PLC Omron C200H, POwer input 220VAC, 24VDC. good condition, no error , running test OK
Industrial Automation, electrical, painting, general trade
Need Shuttle or transportation? We offer car rental services for daily or monthly. We offer shuttle servicce for school or employee. BSDâ € ” Kawasan Industri Karawang BSDâ € ” Kawasan Industri....
METALIZING TAPEMetalizing BOPP tape, made of bi-axially oriented polypropylene film metalized adhesion resin coated with a strong, suitable for AC ducting and pipe insulator.
15 nail art brushes, with many kind of functions
Sells a lot of cute towel cake, any kind of art craft like painting shoes, painting jar, painting shirt and many kind of spa body srub, aroma therapy, body butter, perfume. We also sell....
We produce -Bumbu Rujak Pengantin- or known as Batavian Salad Dressing. It' s different with Bumbu Gado-Gado. It' s produced from peanut, white sugar and dried shrimp. It' s delicious for....
We supply conveyor and parts such : pulley, roller, gear motor, magnetic separator suppot experience engineer.
Our company provide various services : Logistics. Trading & Contractor for any Indonesia province , district. Our logistic services : Project Cargo handling & Transport with high skill & experience....
Selling Fish Krapu Ducks can receive orders to all over Indonesia as well as export demand. With the assistance of an experienced human resources in grouper fish farming for many years, we make sure....
With such a long exprience of having supplied some of the major projects throughout Indonesia, experience, professionalism, and reliability is what we offer. PT. C.M.M Bintaro have manifest....
Smartphone application to track your salesman / courier. Our application can sending text form, photo and tracking your employee using GPS
we provide smartphone application for your salesman / courier. Our application can send a form, photo and track your employee route using GPS
is a professional services with the manufacture of tattoo art has a standard operating procedure in any action by making use of tattoo equipment sterile and hygienic, using a special ink to skin, ....
AC Panel for industrial application for indoor spesification. With MCCB for control High Power AC in industrial and factory.
General Supplier, Electrical Switchboard, Automation, SCADA, Maintenance & Service
Umra with a registration fee of Rp. 3, 5 million you can make sure to participate in the savings Umra program, and you can ensure the departure date, according to your wishes. Available installment....
PT.TIGA BARAYA JAYA Division Receives Various Metal Casting Metal casting work for the various kind of products produced such as Gear, Ring, Block Machine and others with various chemical....