Specification :
Small LED Lamp Night Light .. / wax dolls are unique, beautiful, girly pokokx Abiz dech. Many options exist models Smiley baby, Rabbit, Angry Bear, Kity, Cute pig, Cute cat, n Sunny baby. Able to sleep lights, ornate room / space, or anywhere else you want to put it. Suitable also for gifts or souvenirs. Very promising business opportunity that not many in the market. Sale Wholesale & Retail ..
1 pcs: Rp. 25.000, 00
3 pcs: @ Rp. 22.500, 00
6 pcs: @ Rp. 20.000, 00
1 lsn: @ Rp. 15.000, 00
2 lsn: @ Rp. 14.000, 00
3 lsn: @ Rp. 13.000, 00
Info & Booking:
085716828750 ( SMS)