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    The Gale encyclopedia of nursing and allied health

    Rp 12.200.000,- (termasuk ongkos kirim Jakarta)
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    The Gale encyclopedia of nursing and allied health /
    Kristine Krapp, editor.
    Designed for students of nursing and the allied health professions, caregivers, and the educated lay reader, this five-volume set includes over 850 signed articles on various aspects of nursing. Covered here are nursing and allied healthcare education and training, current health issues (viewpoints, professional implications), tests and procedures (descriptions, precautions, aftercare), and equipment/tools (descriptions, operation, healthcare team roles), as well as diseases (causes, diagnosis, treatment) and human biology/body systems (functions, role in human health). Although there is some overlap, particularly in the last two categories with The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine (LJ 2/15/99; 2d ed. 2001), this text focuses primarily on the interests of nurses and allied health professionals. According to the preface, the essays were contributed by physicians, nurses, and other health professionals, but Krapp (The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine) has not always indicated their credentials. Over 400 black-and-white illustrations or photos and 50 tables enhance the material, as does an extensive list of print and nonprint resources, which includes up-to-date web addresses. The alphabetical arrangement, the shaded boxes defining key terms, and the ample cross references will be familiar to users of other Gale reference products. This work will make an excellent, albeit expensive, addition to large public libraries and graduate institutions offering appropriate programs. Margaret K. Norden, Marymount Univ. Lib., Arlington, VA
    Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

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