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Tenun Kartini

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Tenun Kartini
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Y!: ruang_qu 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. Wahyu Tyas at Sleman
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Wahyu Tyas at Sleman
Address:Pogung Lor No.907
Sleman 55285, Yogyakarta
Original Handwoven From Troso Jepara Indonesia
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Mar. 3, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade of Apparel & Fashion category

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Company Brief

Tenun Kartini was present as a form of gratitude and pride in the wealth of cultural treasures of Indonesia. Tenun Kartini is a local industry which is engaged in traditional weaving craft ( non-machine) or better known as ATBM ( not the engine loom) .
For now, Tenun Kartini take advantage of the webstore online as well as a showroom / gallery product. However, personal customer service remains our priority. With this marketing system, Tenun Kartini could push the price of goods to share the benefits ( win-win transaction) with customers and business partners.

Participating to improve the economy of Indonesia, with a local industry of international standard, which is oriented to the satisfaction and confidence of consumers and business partners.


* To provide satisfaction to customers through quality products and services
* Build and maintain trust with consumers and business partners
* Establish nuanced familial relationships with customers and business partners
* Introduce weaving sabagai global richness of Indonesian culture
* Making the loom, especially weaving torso as one of the mainstay of Indonesia' s export commodities

Major Products / Services
  • Tenun Ikat Troso Motif Etnik
    Detail :

    * 100% cotton
    * Tidak luntur, tidak mudah robek (ulet), dan halus.
    * Tersedia beragam warna dan corak kembangan
    * Untuk memesan warna selain pada sampel, silakan hubungi customer service kami.

    Pemakaian :

    * Bisa digunakan untuk busana formal, semi formal, maupun non formal.
    * Bisa untuk busana wanita / pria, seperti blus, kemeja, koko, gamis, rok, juga sarimbit.
    * Bisa untuk seragam kantor, keluarga, arisan, pengajian, karyawan, dsb.

    Size / Price :
    105 x 250 cm (IDR 225.000)

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