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Name:Mr. Joy Bhatt [Employee]
E-mail:Send Message
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Y!: helpbizjunction@yahoo.com 
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Joy Bhatt at Ahmedabad
Address:504-B, Shikhar, Netaji Marg, Near Mithakhli Six Roads
Ahmedabad 380009, Gujarat
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Aug. 7, 2009
Business Nature:Service of Business Services category

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Indias # 1 tenders online services providers, Indian tenders, tenders indias, government tenders, latest tenders, live tenders, global tenders infomations, private tenders informations, public tenders, tenders notification services, eProcuremnets tenders, eAuctions, Bids, pre qualification tenders, scraps, scraps tenders, corporate tenders, cooperative tenders, domestic tenders

Tendercity is an established market leader for advertising and viewing online tender notices for more than eight years. Tendercity has constantly made dedicated and sincere efforts to satisfy increasing user base and their expectations in respect to content and services. Tendercity has a rock-solid domain expertise in the area of tender notification services.

Tendercity provides exceptional packages dedicated to notifying you all the latest and specialized business opportunities, from both the private as well as government sectors through out India. Tendercity is the most comprehensive source available compared to other so-called notification services. Tendercity is regarded as a synonym for the most accurate, easiest and reliable service of its kind ensuring you to get only those notices specific to your area of expertise and business.

Major Products / Services
  • Tenders, Indian Tenders, Tenders Indias
    Indias #1 tenders online services providers, Indian tenders, tenders indias, government tenders, latest tenders, live tenders, global tenders infomations, private tenders informations, public tenders, tenders notification services, eProcuremnets tenders, eAuctions, Bids, pre qualification tenders, scraps, scraps tenders, corporate tenders, cooperative tenders, domestic tenders and many more....
  • Government Tenders
    Indias #1 tenders online services providers, Indian tenders, tenders indias, government tenders, tenders governments, government tender noticifactions, llatest tenders, live tenders, global tenders infomations, private tenders informations, public tenders, tenders notification services, eProcuremnets tenders, eAuctions, Bids, pre qualification tenders, scraps, scraps tenders, corporate tenders, cooperative tenders, domestic tenders and many more...

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