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Mr. Mahmuda [Sales]



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Y!: csoptimashops 
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Phone number of Mr. Mahmuda at Tangerang Selatan

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Mobile number of Mr. Mahmuda at Tangerang Selatan

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Fax number of Mr. Mahmuda at Tangerang Selatan


Komp. Villa Dago Blok J11 No.1 - Pamulang
Tangerang Selatan 15416, Banten

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Terminal Telepon Satelit | Terminal Satellite Phone | + 62821 22 159454 | Inmarsat BGAN Explorer 700 | Satellite Inmarsat | Satelit | BGAN EXPLORER | Phone Sattelite | Explorer ® 700[Dec. 14, 2011 21:39:00]
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
Pack. & DeliveryBaru
OriginUnited Kingdom (Great Britain)
terminal satellite phone | satellite phones | Inmarsat satellites | satellites isatphone | EXPLORER BGAN | Inmarsat Satellite Broadband | Explorer ® 700
Info: + 62821 22 159454 or YM: Csoptimashops

= = = = = BGAN EXPLORER ® 700= = = = =

BGAN EXPLORER ® 700 is the fastest of the three series of Thrane & Thrane BGANs with access to the highest bandwidth of up to 492 kbps. This design also allows for multiple simultaneous users enter a specially designed antenna and environmental protection, providing persistent functionality.


* Simultaneous voice and data communications over BGAN
* Full duplex, single or multi-user, up to 492 kbps
* Support for streaming IP at 32, 64, 128, 256 kbps
* Seamless global coverage
* Integral DHCP / NAT wireless router
* ISDN compatibility
* Built-in web server allows you to organize your phone book, messages and calls, and customize the terminal to your specific needs
* Interface directly solar panels
* Detachable lightweight antenna with integral transceiver stand and transceiver-to-antenna range more than 70m / 230ft
* Compact portable unit, sturdy and reliable construction
* Humidity, dust, weather and temperature-resistant design
* Rapid deployment and takedown

* Performance depends on many factors and actual usage

Replace the unit 1 week after the date of your next purchase warranty service / repair.
Description of warranty:
- Not included because it caused riots / sabotage
- The condition of an extreme nature ( lightning, etc.)
- Unstable line voltage ( the voltage suddenly rose out of fairness)
- Due to user error ( human error)
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