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Company Contact
Name:Mrs. Hartaty Yahya [Director/CEO/General Manager]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: yahya.nido@yahoo.com 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. Hartaty Yahya at Tuban
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Hartaty Yahya at Tuban
Fax Number:Fax number of Mrs. Hartaty Yahya at Tuban
Address:Puri Tuban No.4, Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo
Tuban 62314, Jawa Timur
Customer Service : ( Senin-Jum' at : 08: 00-16: 30 ; Sabtu : 08: 00-15: 00 ) : Taty, Fia, Iik, Yani - phone : 0356-328927 / fax : 0356-328927 / sms : 0819-33903008 / e-mail : mitrasaranaabadi1@ gmail.com
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Oct. 31, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade of Apparel & Fashion category

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Company Brief

Tanah-Abang-Supplier : Fashion, Moslem Clothes, Women & Men Clothes, and Baby clothes.

Why Tanah-Abang-Supplier ?

~ Up to date style & design every day.
~ You can buy the products by wholesale or retail only with min. $ USD.10.
~ Best services : fast, professional, & helpfull.
~ One stop comfort shopping by only from your home / office.
~ Experience in clothing trading, wholesaler & retail since 1984.

Major Products / Services
  • Supplier Fashion & Grosir - (CV. Mitra Sarana Abadi)
    "Tanah-Abang-Supplier" (- CV. Mitra Sarana Abadi-) merupakan pusat Grosir & Supplier Fashion dengan model & trend terkini.

    Layanan customer kami saat ini telah menjangkau hampir seluruh pusat grosir di wilayah Indonesia, terutama Jakarta (Ps.Tanah Abang), Surabaya (Ps.Turi), Makassar (Ps.& Butung), Kendari dan Papua.

    Dengan kepercayaan yang telah terbangun selama ini, kami senantiasa terus meningkatkan pelayanan, kecepatan pengiriman dan tentunya produk fashion up-to-date berkualitas yang terus ter-update setiap hari.

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