Perbaikan Service Mesin-Mesin Industri: We have a long experience in service, repair instrument and equipment for opmalization laboratory instrument and equipment, various testing machine. REPAIR SERVICE / SERVIS & UPGRADE: Universal Testing Machine (UTM)(Nov. 5, 2008 2:51:53)
We have a long experience in service, repair instrument and equipment for opmalization laboratory instrument and equipment, various testing machine. REPAIR SERVICE / SERVIS & UPGRADE: Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Tensile strength tester, Flexure / Bend strength tester, Puncture Strength Testing machine, Peel Strength Tester, Delamination Strength Tester, Adhesion Strength Testing Machine, Creep and Stress Relaxation Tester, Deformation Strength Tester, Elastic Limit Tester, Rupture Strength Testing Machine, Toughness Tester, Compression Testing Machine, Coefficient of Friction Tester, Tear Resistance Tester, Shear Strength Testing Machine, Bond Strength Tester, Break Load Tester, Crush Resistance Tester, Ductility Tester, Elongation Tester, Young's Modulus Tester, Torsion Tester, Torque Testing Machine, Durability Testing Machine, Acceleration Testing Machine, Servis strength tester. MERK ZWICK, MATEST, SHIMADZU, KRK-KUMAGAI, HUNGTHA/HUNGTA, AMETEK, CHATILLON, GOTECH, LLOYD INSTRUMENT, INSTRON, TOKYO TESTING MACHINE, IMADA, KRK KUMAGAI, MECMESIN, TORSEE, TOKYO KOKI, CHUN YEN TESTING MACHINES, TIME TESTING MACHINES, JINAN TESTING MACHINE, SATEC SYSTEM, TOSHIN KOGYO.
Contact: PT. TAHARICA, Jakarta – Indonesia.