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shenzhen kaigele electronics cl, .ltd

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shenzhen kaigele electronics cl, .ltd
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Name:Mr. ZE HE [Sales]
Instant Messaging:
ICQ: 897667858
Windows Live: heze_168@126.com heze_168@126.com
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. ZE HE at ÃîÃÃÃú¸Ã°®Ãª15999687948
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. ZE HE at ÃîÃÃÃú¸Ã°®Ãª15999687948
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. ZE HE at ÃîÃÃÃú¸Ã°®Ãª15999687948
Address:shenzhen longgang
ÃîÃÃÃú¸Ã°®Ãª15999687948, Guangdong
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jun. 19, 2009
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Automobile category

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Company Brief

Car video business unit of shenzhen ¡  ¡ kagele company is a high-tech and professional manufacture r of car audio and video system. We devote to developing and manufacturing car audio and video system, and the products are sold all over the world.
In the company, there is a team of developing and production managing and all the members are professional and experienced.
Our company focus at manufacture first classic car audio and video systems, including one din car DVD+ MP4+ SD; DVD+ MP4+ USB+ SD+ BlUE TOOTH; one din car DVD+ MP4+ TFT+ BLUE TOOTH; one din car DVD+ MP4+ TFT+ TV+ BLUE TOOTH; one din car DVD+ TFT with auto extensible screen, with GPS inside or outside. The products include the functions : TV, MP3, MP4, USB, SD, AM/ FM, TFT, BLUE TOOTH etc.
The superiority of the products are £  º full function, high-tech anti-vibration , suitable for all kinds of cars and easy to install.
Our products are positioned to mediate and high classic car video system. Our company would insist to  ¡  ° people first, managing scientifically, edge technique, excellent quality , mutual recipient  ¡  ± principles and  ¡  ° stricter , better, creative ¡  ± entrepreneur quality. With strong ability of developing , rich experience and strict quality control policy, with one by one high-tech, high quality products, first-class service , we hope to cooperate with all kinds friends.
People of kai ge le wish our friends from every corner of the world make our dreams come true through our effort! People of kaigele would like to go ahead all the way with you!

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