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Name:Ms. Deisy Wong [Marketing]
E-mail:Send Message
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Ms. Deisy Wong at Jakarta Pusat
Phone Number:Phone number of Ms. Deisy Wong at Jakarta Pusat
Fax Number:Fax number of Ms. Deisy Wong at Jakarta Pusat
Address:Apartment Istana Harmoni Unit 2 L, 2nd Floor, Jl. Suryopranoto 2
Jakarta Pusat 10130, Jakarta
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:May. 4, 2006
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Office Supplies category

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Company Brief

Sysbit Technologies is a Singapore based business solution provider with offices in Jakarta, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur. We design, manufacture and implement cost-effective, creative solutions to common everyday business problems using information technology and a line of innovative designed hardware that run the gamut such as biometric fingerprinting for authentication and time and attendance. Our slogan â € ˜ Translating Technologies into Customer Gainsâ € ™ best describes our business commitment. Our objective is to provide solutions and not just products. We focus on quick return-on-investments for our customers. We have a team of seasoned professionals from diverse corporate and technical backgrounds and experience, providing a plethora of expertise across a broad spectrum of industries. From incorporation in Singapore in 2003, we have expanded within 3 years with offices in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Our phenomenal growth is contributed by customer satisfaction by partnering with us to turn out cost effective solutions
Business operations
Biometrics Time & Attendance Devices
Biometrics Access Control Devices
Human Resource Management System - HeRMS
Time and Attendant Management ( TITO) - Standart Edition
Time and Attendant Management ( TITO) - Mobile Edition
Time Attendance Web Service

Major Products / Services
  • ADEL E7F4
    Kunci pintu sidik jari
    - memory : 120 fingerprint
    - body kokoh dan penampilan exclusive (gold mix
    - Dapat menghapus salah satu jari tanpa mereset ulang
    - pemakaian mudah dan efisien (tanpa perlu membawa kunci lagi)
    - mendapat kunci manual untuk back up
    - harga terjangkau
    - cocok untuk perkantoran, lab, rumah, apartement, hotel dsb

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