Thermal Management with Cooling Fans
Today's comfortable life and society is supported by advanced control systems, which may present many heat sources. To operate these devices 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the devices require appropriate heat designs and heat measures. Oriental Motor offers a wide range of heat measure products centered on cooling fans to meet these requirements.
One method of cooling heat sources and enclosures is air cooling, which utilizes the air around us. One device that can use this air is a cooling fan, which uses the power of a motor to spin a propeller or impeller to blow air. Oriental Motor provides three types of fans: axial flow fans, centrifugal blowers and cross flow fans, using different air-blowing systems.
Highly Reliable Equipment Design Using Cooling Fans
Even if the temperature of a heat source rises, cooling is not required if the temperature will not affect the heat source itself or periperal equipment. However, if there is a danger that the heat will cause damage, some kind of cooling is required. There are two methods of cooling heat sources; natural air cooling and forced cooling. When forced cooling is required, cooling fans perform the appropriate ventilation and air-blowing. By using a cooling fan, the temperature of a heat source and its surroundings can be decreased, which enables extended equipment life and more reliable equipment design.
Type cooling fans ORIX Orienta:
~Axial Flow Fans
~Cross flow fans
~Centrifugal blowers
~Cooling modules
For details information call:
Mr.Deni Logito Hp. 081319862288
Mr.Wahyono Hp. 081513790807