This software content source code for studing inference fuzzy methode Mamdani.Coding in VB6 programming.
Our company moving in software direct selling.That sofware especially for study in informatic engineering and computer scientific.
V128D4 12" High Performance Subwoofer 500W RMS 1000W MAX 100oz Double Stacked Magnet Sensitivity: 86.6dB @ 1w/ 1m Mounting Depth: 6.33" Vented Box: 3.0 Cu. Ft. Round Port Diameter: ( 2) 4" ....
selling all abot product car audio, melayani pengiriman ke luar kota dan kerjasama dengan toko variasi mobil.dan kepada para end user dengan harga grosir.
4 in 1, an glasses in 4 mode, night, daylight, tungteen light.
we organize some older and unique stuff from history of our nation and the others that we figure it out strongly and hard to find but we did it.such as back in years 1945 older money printed and coin....
Welcome to Our Website! Three Es ( Sampurna Sapta Sentausa) is a well-established ship supplier for the delivery ports of Semarang, Bali, Lombok/ Komodo Island, and Makasar. Three Es also....
Videotron LED Display Instalation Outdoor/ Indoor for Advertising, Computer, Microcontroller Application, Networking, Mechatronics, Technical Consultant
Videotron Installer, Outdoor/ Indoor LED Display, Computer, Networking, Microcontroller and Application, Robotic, Video Display Media Advertising for Outdoor/ Indoor, etc
Kami memproduksi produk mebel sesuai dengan pesanan konsumen.
Kami perusahaan agri bisnis yang berasal dari yogyakarta
Perusahaan kami telah berdiri sejak 2007
1. protect your skin from fungal and bacterial infections 2. provide moisture periodically with regular hydration 3. rich in vitamin E that is useful for skin rejuvenation 4. easy to be absorbed....
our company sell products such as VCO and derivate of oil, cosmetic products such as soap, hand & body, creams morning, night creams and other beauty products, and briket from coconut shell
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Alat bantu pembayaran ( mesin kasir) yang dapat digunakan di toko, restourant, kafe butik, apotik, bengkel, dan lain-lain. mesin kasir yang dapat juga di hubungkan dengan mini printer( printer kasir) ....
material leather, paint of batik, strong & best design Size : 38-39-40-41-42
GROW-UP USA " step-up multi-agency supplements GROWTH-HORMONES are hormones that play a role in controlling the growth of muscles and other organs, affecting the body growth rate. -If you feel....
Bio-ethanol engines: - Fermentation tank 1 piece capacity 500 liters - Boiler capacity of 600 liters - Distillation can produce 50 liters bioetanol content of 85% can be increased Fuel : -....
Standing and active since the era of President Suharto' s 80-year move in an economic populist, under the guidance of cpc. Imam N. has been helping make a breakthrough innovation to help many people.....