We are 20 years old company that move in distributing many food product in Makassar specialize in candies.
For M.O.P we have two kind they are Natural and Cultured and have size. if you interest please contact us
We are an export company supplying sea shell. We have variety of sea shell especially the Brownlip, MOP, Blacklip, Pen, Tiger Cowrie, Abalone and other shell. Also we have manufactured shell....
A sub contractor of some mining company in Indonesia who did some steel construction and safety apparel supply
My company sell marine product like a Fresh Yellow Fin Tuna ( G+ G / LOIN)
providing technical assistance for small cocoa farmer, group farmer, and stakeholder ( e.c.banking, trader, cocoa eksportir, cocoa importir, pesticide, researcher/ university)
We sell/ suply silk Sengkang ( south Celebes) 100% silk. You can order pattern like you want.
General Business and consulting General Supplier Sell/ Suply Silk and South elebes accessoris
Mediacenter Indonesia foundatian is a non profit organisation that focusing on information, education, training, capacity mbuilding of human resources aspects in rehabilitation and management of....
Specifications: From dinasy shang 11th century of China as agift to king of cirebon in Indonesia. Characteristics Dimension: Length 210cm, wide 180cm, height 220cm. Weight: 1500 kilograms ( 1.5 MT) ....
we are trading company located on Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan Proivince, we trade yield and iron/ scrap
Our company have a long experience as a supplier of special wood from celebes( Sulawesi-Indonesia) like: Jati wood( Tectona Grandis) , Meranti wood, Tapi-tapi, Kumea, Bitau, Agatis, Malapoga and Mangga.....
Q-TOuch is a company based on digital technology application, digital printing, computer, hadrware, networking and maintenance. Handphone and elctric pulsa distributor
Bluscope steel is a best quality product roofing Zincalume and have a licence from BHP International. Zincalume is a new trend for roofing building and construction because of its quality and....
Berdiri tahun 2004 dan bergerak di bidang kontraktor dan General Supplier, Rekan utama adalah PT. Budi Agung Periangan, Bandung Kami menwarkan kerjasana kepada anda untk mensuplai kebutuhan-kebutuhan....
Retail Handphone and Accesories Handphone and Service Handphone
Our company own a mushroom plantation on Malino, a higher ground, that are 70 km in distance from Makassar. Our location are a good environtment for breeding mushroom with a total of 10 acres which....
our company operate on East Indonesia in the oil and gas distribution to people in there.