Serve Minang Kabau traditional drink Cattering services, car rent , moving services and ticketing
we market juice and cake on our shop, right now we would like to enlarge them
industri rumah tangga, pembuatan krupak dan kemplang khusus industri rumah tangga
The chips are spicy with distinctive taste is very fitting with the tongue of Indonesia. and you are one of them. you' ve never tried? ? of course you miss. The chips are made from potato choice and....
this gift is really nice and practice, contain : arabian nuts and zam-zam
CV Subhan Jaya is a group in province Kepulauan Riau especially Batam that work on sales and distribute light food including " keripik" , " tempe" and others delicious and crunchy snack. As the....
JnC adalah sebuah merek kue kering tanpa bahan pengawet yang diproduksi menggunakan bahan - bahan berkualitas dan diolah secara higienis melalui tangan - tangan terampil dengan didukung oleh....
Distributor tunggal dari beberapa pabrik untuk didistribusikan ke seluruh wilayah Riau Daratan dan Riau Kepulauan.