we invite domestic and foreign investors to cooperate in managing the copper mines located in the area of Bone, South Sulawesi with an area 7614 hectares according to the information the Board of....
PVDF products and Poleyster PVDF products are used for exterior and interior Poleyster
Acp provider Seven Brand, Mark and Alucobond and Silent Mark without PH so neutral. For Acp Seven Info Project Marketing Bram 085346720666/ bramseven09@ gmail.com Bb 58515e69
eaglewood selling super king Kalimantan and Papua . characteristics of wood . -black -tenggelam in water -padat -kalo burned out oil and perfumed there are 12 kg of timber stocks . for the....
mission of the father / mother I want to sell rudi of Borneo eaglewood super king . I had the characteristics of wood . -black -tenggelam in water -padat -kalo burned out and scented oils I....
We provide the best quality coal. We centered FOB Tongleang, location in kewara Grogot, East Kalimantan. Brick: calories or adb 7400 Gas 6300 Sulphur
About Us Eizee Interior was established in 2015, we are committed to bring something new in your room with the detail and quality that become something important elements in this bussines. Indonesia....
We' re providing Hyundai passenger cars in Balikpapan, also in rent-a-car business.
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fgsdfgsdfgsdfg fgsdfgsdfgsdfgfgsdfgsdfgsdfgfgsdfgsdfgsdfgfgsdfgsdfgsdfgfgsdfgsdfgsdfg fgsdfgsdfgsdfg fgsdfgsdfgsdfg fgsdfgsdfgsdfg....
Coal GAR 4200-4000 Price Rp. 340rb/ MT FOB Barge Jetty MCT ( Mahakam Coal Terminal) Embalut, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan Jetty MCT to Muara Berau ( M Vessel) 18-20 hour Cargo Ready at Jetty....
Spun Pile, Square Pile, Mini Pile, Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile ( CCSP) , Flat Sheet Pile, Box Culvert, U-Ditch, Custom
PT. Balikapapan Ready Mix Pile ( BRM Pile) was established in 2005 as part of an expansion from our holding PT Balikpapan Ready Mix ( BRM) , with the main objective to be the leader in manufacturing....
PT.UNGGUL JAYA SAKTI built since 2011 in Balikpapan East Kalimantan.we are providing company business for mining, drilling, construction, engineering, oil and gas. We are provide for WOLAR Ring....
We are General Contractor and Trading Work that can be fulfiled is : - Alumunium and Glass Facade - Ceilling and Partition - Steel Construction - Sound Isolation
Our company provides services for palm platation development. Services such as: land clearing, infrastucture, housing, warehouse, office, etc. We provide service based on both contract and rental. ....
transport & port to door suplier from all city indonesia to east kalimantan
- Easy weather chart distinction by 10 inch wide printer output - Simple setting & operation by 5.6 inch full screen color LCD display - 4 receiving mode ( automatic, manual, forced, timer....
Light brick can be used for the purpose; Walls, or for floor, use a light brick has advantages such as: � � � � � � � � Light brick fire-resistant properties. Not only fire, light brick also be....