We Provide Various Types Of Making Machine For Your industry needs. Processing Machinery Crops ( Crude Palm Oil, Coconut Oil, Jathopra Oil, ETC.) Processing Machinery Mining Results ( Lead, Tin....
We are Producers Cooperative based in West Kalimantan. We are engaged in: 1. Processing of agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, and mining. 2. Making Networks Engineering Appropriate Technology. ....
we sell the kratom powder, the type that we sell : 1. red vein ( borneo) 2. red vein maeng da ( borneo) if you interested, please contact email : fenny.rocker@ gmail.com
we sell kratom powder, the type that we sell : 1. red vein ( from borneo) 2. red vein maeng da ( from borneo ) if you are interested, please contact email : fenny.rocker@ gmail .com
we have enough supply for Virgin Coconut Oil, Cakul Coconut shell ( carbon active) , and coconut fiber.
General Trading in land & property, commodity supplier and investor agency
Atas izin Allah swt. Kami bangun perusahaan ini Pada tangga, 19 September 2013.dan perusahaan ini per orangan yang kami maksud tidak ada pemegang saham lainnya.Dan perusahaan ini bukan pula....
Felice Collagen Beauty Soap assist in the formation of skin and improve skin elasticity, skin tightening, eliminating fine lines on the face, fade dark spots on the face and brighten the skin, ....
We are selling products that help solving any health problems, especially solving couples sex problems
Our company and at the same pemproductsi sabagi product suppliers - product with its main raw material is coconut shell charcoal is also called Charcoal Briquettes. Note: We produce the....
Cv. Titanium Golden Charqoal The Company is engaged in the Supplier and distributor of coconut shell charcoal. � � Aims To Improve And Develop Distribution Channel ( National) of Sustainable. To Make....
We serve sea freight services from and to West Kalimantan and the surrounding region. For more information contact: musafiramandiri.lines ( at) gmail ( dot) com
SEA TRANSPORT SERVICE : Mother Vessel, Cargo Ship, Barge, Chemical Tanker, Oil Barge, LCT, SPOB. TYPES OF GOODS / CARGO IN conveyances: Coal, Nickel, Urea / NPK / Dolomite in bag, Cement in....
hncfyjhcfjcf jhkvhjk cthhfjhcj jgjmvbmbmbm gjvhmvbmbjmbm gjvmgvmcjrfjcfgjcg
our company been establish since 1982, we selling gaharu angakaras , kayu bouya , red arowana fish , bird nest and many more.
Company Products We Provide Reliable Services in the Field of Transport and Forwarding
CV. EIKASOGI Sejahtera Abadi is a company engaged in the field of land transport services and construction services. Started in 2004 in London, in the capital of the province of West Kalimantan....
Empowerment of Borneo Film Institute is an institution which is engaged in the field of cinema. Kalikmantan as one of one of the largest islands in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia has a....
In Latin, squid known as Loligo spp, whereas in English squid. Squid is also one type of marine animal that attracted many people, especially fans of seafood and chinese food. In the market, squid....
A Company engaged in fisheries. sell many kinds of frozen fish, freshwater fish and marine fish.
Kami adalah distributor buku sekolah dan umum terbitan. Tiga Serangkai, CV SWADAYA MURNI.Putra Nugraha dll Kami menjual berbagai jenis buku pelajaran, Bilingual, LKS dan lainnya dengan harga sangat....
my company is distributed Book, education tool, multy media laboratory, language laboratory, sport tool
Menawarkan Produk Arang Batok Kelapa berkualitas, yang diperoleh dari beberapa daerah dengan menjaga kualitas kekeringan u8ntuk menghasilkan produk jadi yang berkualitas.
UKM was established on 04 July 2004 in-Usahanwan pioneered the businessman who joined in, working in a container in marketing their products, such as Banana Salai, VCO ( Virgin Coconut Oil) and a....