mendong craft of material which was then in the screen printing with a variety of crafts motif, which is useful as a tablecloth, a wedding gift, wipes containers, etc.
A variety of different crafts screen printing fabrics with different patterns of batik motif
Manufacturer & Exporter handicrafts from paper, natural fiber & Leather ( Vinyl ) , which is plaited and made into various and unique products for your daily needs as paper box watch box, jewerly box....
Hauraa XL is first Indonesian syariah cellular card.
drinkKing is the drink made from ekstrak Andropogon nurdus. Andropogon nurdus. contine is graniol, sitrat, sitronelol, a-pinen, kamfen, ect. all of vitamin and zat can make antibodi strongly.
White Oil is one kind of oils are widely used in textile industry, Plastics, Cosmetics and medicine. White Oil can made from mineral and Vegetable. White Oil made Abyta is the basic ingredient of....
Abyta Sumber Artha is a manufacturer of White Oil from Vegetable, Our basic raw material of Palm Oil, White Oil is usually used on a regular Textile, Plastics, Cosmetics, Drugs, and others.
BALIHO 4X6M dengan kerangka besi terdapat di titik strategis yg byk d lihat masyarakat
Concave bufet our design with solid teak wood and finishing spray gun or melamik syestem.
Rumahjati, CV Costume made ( made to order ) Solid wood teak, mahogany etc
rare and antique items " table of teak wood" ( the original with no connection) length of 4 meters wide by 1.5 meters 16 centimeters thick wood
Hardwood Charcoal ( Quality : " Oven" ) and serve in small and large scale : )
We are a rapidly growing company and is engaged in various fields such as contracting services, and business services such as selling a quality hard wood charcoal oven and others. Today our company....
based on the desire to introduce native crafts furniture java especially Jepara, so we try to show the results of our products...
General Trading, Supplier, Expedition, Land Transport Mechanical and Electrical, Buiding maintenance.
WHOLESALE KIDS STYLE rugs, FUNNY, UNIQUE and imaginative Whether you' re looking for souvenirs, souvenirs, goody bag or birthday gifts that can educate your son or daughter? We provide for your....
GROSIR SAJADAH ANAK GAYA, LUCU, UNIK DAN IMAJINATIF Apakah anda sedang mencari souvenir, cinderamata, goody bag atau kado ulang tahun yang dapat mendidik anak putra putri anda ? Kami sediakan....
a movement that wants to change the state of my beloved nation from the bottom .... starting from the smallest economy of economic actors
Sell beach chair Lounger with special prices and affordable. material from the original beach lounger chair Teak.
Jepara Furniture store located in the Annual. Annual market east of Jepara. Sell various kinds of furniture at cheap prices and quality. You can also see in our store http: / /
The table 3 drawers Agreed for your room good for you
The production indor furniture .kwalitas export, mc 10% down.we for, the table seat.bad .mirror bookkies, seat chaire, armoire.shadow box.Many others ..