Tel.: 0049-69-65006809 . We are a german car parts and accessories dealer situated in Frankurt. We trade mainly with european brands like Volkswagen, Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, Opel, Ford, Renault, ....
KC Kollmann Computer sells PC-Hardware and Software. Network Admin. Softwaredevelopment, integrate Systemoperating, E-learning
I will ad this later ind detail. I will ad this later in detail. I will ad this later in detail.
We are Direct buyer of paper and elektroniks goods -Copy paper in large quantity and elektroniks -Laptops-Mp3-Usb Sticks
Distribution of beauty equipment Beauty Salon
storage tank flushing and cleaning high pressure cleaning waster disposal cold cutting
analytical equipment analytical services consultanc esales & service
Cooking school for anybody who do it may concerden
Assembling computer and full service for the customers
Exporter of German Food & Beverages Technologies for the Hospitality Industry
The Enterprise Success is the objective - for your and our future Innovation, creativity and know-how are the prerequisite in order that we can convert your ideas into technical solutions. Thanks to....
COMMODITY: REBCO Crude Oil ORIGIN: Russia QUANTITY: 10 Million Barrel per month with Rolls and Extensions PERIOD OF DELIVERY: 12 up to 36 months PRICE: The price is C.I.F. and shall be....
Trder for Petrolium Products and Metal Scrap,
Hello, I� � m intersted in all your products that you can deliver. We are a big company and we will order by you in big quantitys. Please tell me prices for all obd items for a minimum quantity of....
Supplier for automobile industry and distributor of electronic articles
McEdition N� � 1 2005er Dornfelder Classic Dark red ( Classic means top quality) a great wine for an evening with good friends.
Weinhaus McCallin. We are a family company selling high quality German wine for export. We have just finished our new product for export the MCEdition.You can see the product at www.mccallin-wine....