35 years of marionettes... specialised in various string processes and automatisme with mechanical means. Window decorations for shops and shopping centers. Special events and conferences.
it' s an automatic distributor of food and various other product on lille in france
Dear Madame, Sir I' m import assistant of CIOA Group in France, a well established french familly owned group of company in business since 1994, with activities in investment, import and distribution.....
We are a well established familly owned group of companies created in 1994, active in manufacturing, distribution in France and Maghreb. We are active in investment in real estate and manifacturing....
Dear Sir, We are an office of connection of the best secondhand clotehes company in Belgium. We are pleased to be able to introduce our company to you as a grader and worldwide exporter of quality....
Trading, Negoce and Sourcing.We sell many products like second hand clothes of quality, cement, sugar, we look for indonisian products, with competitive prices.Thank you.
apostoly.com apostoly.com apostoly.com apostoly.com apostoly.com apostoly.com apostoly.com apostoly.com apostoly.com apostoly.com apostoly.com apostoly.com
Our company belongs to the important belgian group ( Anselme entreprises) which is owner or associated of diffrent companies in the world. Our group is associated in can factories in China producing....
French Trading Company. Buy steel products such as tubes, plates, angle bar, h-eams... Look for EN Standard only. ( S235, S355, ...)
We are a trade company from China selling all models of nike shoes, Lv bags, t-shirts, Polo t-shirts, the other kind of sunglasses have been doing online business for over two years. Our shoes are....
We are looking for suppliers of shark liver oil for our production of squalane
Sophim is a French producer of cosmetic ingredients. Squalane is Sophim' s main product. Squalane is obtained from shark liver oil.
We sale minĂ © rals since 1986 and we are lookins about the oil market, basilic, menthol, eucalyptus, vĂ © tivier, gingember, ylang-ylang.
Producer, Trader , Exporter, Importer of agro commodities: Cocoa/ Coffee beans, gum arabic, raw cashewnuts, Sesame seed
aluminium foil quantity : 200tons quality : alu foil 80% ALU 20% PLASTIC prix : 1442 usd.ton cnf main port
We are trading agency in France etablished in 2001 Our activity is import export worldwide of following products: Food Automobile Machinery Telecomunication Transportation Construc tion Wood We are....
We have available quantities of crt monitors second-hand, 15" , 17" , 19" , 21, 22" working and non working, tested and untested. Please contact us if you are interessed, and i' ll make you a good offer.....
EMGS Group Trading Importation & Export Principal products treated by EMGS : 2003 â € “ 2010 Computer, Second Hand, Software, Consulting & Services, SAP, ERP Foodstuffs, Components Biotic and Abiotic, ....
creation network logo design; webdesigner; communication
Consumer electronic Audio video equipment