We are proud to offer world wide a high class Energy drink which was created to boom the energy, improve the concentration moreover it is suitable for any time of the Day or night, either at work, ....
We are a specialized Company that works directly with brazilian manufacturers for developing their international marketplace and give consultance on related papers. We work with beachwear, Leather....
MPROJECTS Solution was founded in April/ 2009 after being incubated by CIETEC � � � SP. In the same year the Company had its RD& I approved by the Innovative Company Program ( PRIME) � � � FINEP ( a....
DAVID BREINDEL LOAN LENDING/ INVESTMENT COMPANY. We are investors/ loan lending company located internationally in different countries.We invest with other companies and also offer loans to....
Sales and fix hospital and laboratorial machines.
Grupo8 is a Sales/ Export office for agriculture commodities from northern Brazil. All of our quotes comes directly from the manufacturers/ growers, we have no intermidiates between seller/ buyer.Our....
Brazilian frozen tropical fruit juices, concentrates and pulps. Our main items in this product line are the following: - Middle Acai ( Assai) - Acerola pulp. - Acerola concentrate juice -....
We are a Brazilian suppliers of Amazonian products: 1) Brazilian frozen fruit pulp directly from Brazil, looking for distributor in your countries. Mango, Papaya, Pineapple, Pineapple mint ( a....
For the contruction of roads, ports, factories and buildings
commercial representatives for Brazil market
We serious traders and direct seller with mandate to sell Tropical hard Wood, Decking, Flooring, Board of all measurements. Please do not hesitate to contact us. Direct Email: manaustrade@ hotmail....
Working in the area of foreign trade and 19 years, we have as main goal to facilitate business between suppliers and buyers in the area of commodities and others. We work a professional and....
Confab is a big manufacturer of pressure vessels, hdt reactors, tanks, columns, boilers, furnaces for oil industry. Confab also supplies equpments for nuclear area, steelmakers, pulp mills.
Looking for new customers for your products or even new suppliers? Kindly contact us with detailed informations of the product to be bought or sold and we shall revert with business....
Our company is specialized on commercial intermediations, representing foreign suppliers on sales to brazilian importers and looking for brazilian suppliers for foreign customers. We deal with....
Especializada em pericias contabeis e economicas
Com� � rcio, repara� � � � o e distribui� � � � o de pe� � as e equipamentos,