Partners Together comrades engaged in supplying local beef / import, chicken, fish, and processed products. Founded in early 2014 and began to develop the business as a protein source supplier for....
Diamond F 23H Jpn 144MHz BASIS STATION ANTENNE The Diamond F23H is high performance 5/ 8 wave x 3, 2 meter base vertical antenna. This factory adjusted antenna consist of 3 fiberglass sections.....
menyediakan alat alat perlengkapan radio komunikasi
Trolley Dorong | Trolley Laundry Stainless | Trolley Barang Stainless | Trolley Garment We are specialists in the construction workmanship and Trolley products. Like airport trolley, we can make....
PT. Langgeng Gumelar Sejati manufactur and sel Trolley Stainless | Trolley Makanan | Trolley Bandara | Trolley Barang Moreover a specialized manufactured of Trolley for produk dari bahan-bahan....
PT. Langgeng Gumelar Sejati is manufacture and fabrication and sell of Tangki Silinder | Tangki Silinder Fiber | Tangki Cylinder Fiberglass | Tangki Vertikal Fiberglass In addition we also accept....
We are PT. Langgeng Gumelar Sejati manufacture and fabrication of Tangki Air Fiber | Tangki Air Fiberglass | Bak air fiber | Tangki penampung air In addition we also accept Tangki Fiber....
We received Fabrication Vas Bunga | Pot Unik | Jual Pot | Jual pot tanaman | Harga pot tanaman Pot unik Stainless is mostly found in malls and halls-office buildings. Because, it looks so elegant....
We manufactured and sell Pot Stainless | Pot Bunga Stainless | Pot Stainless Bulat | Pot Stainless Kotak PT. Langgeng Gumelar Sejati is industrial engineering a specialized manufactured of a full....
We Manufacturer and sell Tempat Sampah Fiberglass 3 in 1 | Tong Sampah Fiberglass 3 in 1 | Bak Sampah Fiberglass 3 in 1 yang terbuat dari bahan fiberglass. In addition we also accept Bak Sampah....
JUAL TEMPAT SAMPAH | JUAL TONG SAMPAH | JUAL BAK SAMPAH | FIBER DAN STAINLESS PT. Langgeng Gumelar Sejati is industrial engineering a specialized manufactured of a full range of Chains, sprockets, ....
We sale Jual Pot | Pot Bunga Stainless | Pot Stainless | Jual Pot bunga | Pembuatan Pot Bunga Pot Stainless is mostly found in malls and halls-office buildings. Because, it looks so elegant and....
Stainless Manufacturer | PT. LGS Overview: PT. Langgeng Gumelar Sejati is industrial engineering a specialized manufactured of a full range of Chains, sprockets, gears, gear racks, stainless....
anda sibuk dengan aktifitas sehari hari? ? ? kaca mobil busam akibat jamur atupun bekas baret wiper? ? ? sehingga menggagu saat berkendara... serahkan pada kami ahlinya... siap dipanggil kerumah anda....
WOOD COMPOSITE BOARD are our latest product with a specification below: - Thickness : 20-50mm - Width : max 1200mm - Length : as per request - Wood content more than 70% - Easy to....
We are a manufacturer of Wood Plastic Composite ( WPC) product. Our main product is a MULTIFUNCTION PANEL that can be used as wall panelling, parquet flooring, ceiling and stairs. This panel can be....
Aslm., kami petani sayuran yang tergabung UD.TSHOP JAYA ingin menawarkan hasil panen kami dan mencari pembeli dipasar-pasar sejabodetabek kami siap suplay hasil panen kami diantaranya : - kacang....
Our restaurant is located in Serpong. We sell chicken fried / grilled, grilled beef ribs, beef ribs soup, soto Betawi, etc.. We can also accept orders lunch boxes, party, catering.
Melayani Jasa K3 Inspeksi dan Sertifikasi
EMERGENCY EXIT LAMP EXIT BOX SAFETY SIGN EXIT Fungsi : Sebagai lampu darurat sekaligus berfungsi sebagai penunjuk arah keluar. Pemasangan : Dipasang di dinding Dimensi : 370( L) x 100( W) x....
We recipient rool orders for both the 6 " and the 4" , for foxing and bumper shoes
Brochure following products we sell are Rappid Test tool is a quick test that will get the 3 to 15 minutes and multi drug is a drug test, name: the product has been on the attach in front of the....
We Specialized in healthcare equipment distributor Rapid Mono and Multi Drug Test " Medical Equipment & Laboratiories"   Product:   1. Infectious Diseases  - HBsAg Cassette and....