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UD SISWA JAYA is trading unit set up by Siswanto, which are conveniently located at beringin Asri, Ngaliyan Semarang. UD SISWA JAYA are Suplayer moving props tools and laboratory IPA, mathematics, IPS and Athletics equipment from floor kindergarten, early childhood, elementary, junior high school to Higher Education. Ready to serve in small / small or large number of / large. Siswa Jaya are Distributor & Supplier engaged in Aids Education and Provide Diverse Needs Equipment School Kindergarten, Elementary, MI, junior high, high school, vocational school, Universities, Government Agencies and Private, like: . -
- Aids Mathematics ( SD, SMP, SMA / SMK)
- Aids Physics ( SD, SMP, SMA / SMK)
- Aids Chemistry ( SMP, SMA / SMK)
- Aids Biology ( SD, SMP, SMA / SMK)
- Mathematical Laboratory
- Language Laboratory
- Aids IPS ( SD, SMP, SMA / SMK)
- Aids IPBA ( SD, SMP, SMA / SMK)
- Aids SMK - STM
- DAK Viewer tool and DEKON SD
- Viewer Tool TK ( SD, SMP, SMA / SMK)
-sporting goods
the most complete and cheapest

Our service is perfect for busy you do not have to bother to come to the store, lived alone with message reply to post, send private messages, contact via yahoo messenger, email or send sms. You just sit sweet goods arrived quickly and safely.

After we get the confirmation of sales, you can make payments by wire transfer to our account at:

Rek: 0178960230
a.n: Siswanto

Once the transfer payment directly into the goods we send, so easy and practical. We Wait for orders.

Thank you,

Warm Regards

Siswa Jaya Managing Director
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