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15th Year

Sunergy Indonesia is a business that a move in the procurement and seller of solar power ( solarcell module / solar panel) , former condition or new condition from some brand, made in a variety of countries.

The brand - which solarcell brands we sell are used Sinyoku Brand, Elsol, R & S Holland, Euro solare / ANIT ITALY, SUNSEAP, ELSOL, WONENG, BP SOLAR, KYOCERA, SUNSEAP, suntech, SHELL PowerMax plus, LEN, SIEMENS and Cnsolar.

We' ve run our business since 6 years ago, starting in 2004, our base is purely a business that runs the retail sales and wholesales. We also serve the needs of retail sales of 1 unit or more solarcell module.

INDONESIA SUNERGY also specializes as suplayer goods - goods used condition, solarcell / SOLAR POWER us with the condition 85% very good and smooth.

We have mensuplay solarcell or used solar panels to almost all regions in Indonesia since 2004.

Solar power panels we were very interested and looking for customers, because the quality is very good and smooth, and competitive prices / affordable.

We provide services to all levels of consumers, from the personal / individual who requires 1 unit solarcell module / solar panel, until the level of large projects that require hundreds of solar panels solar power.

We also provide a tool - a tool solarcell his supporters such as BCR, controller, BCU, inverter, mounting, lighting and others