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Sumber JAya SurabayaSumber JAya Surabaya
Contact Information

Mr. Jeffrey Gunawan [Owner/Entrepreneur]

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Windows Live: jenghui_jeng jenghui_jeng
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Phone number of Mr. Jeffrey Gunawan at Surabaya

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Mobile number of Mr. Jeffrey Gunawan at Surabaya

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Fax number of Mr. Jeffrey Gunawan at Surabaya


Kedung BAruk 53
Surabaya 60283, Jawa Timur

hotline: 031-77780408 / 081-939-777088 / 081369202202
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Syrup Marjan
We also distribute goods Marjan syrup with a variety of tempting flavors.
Syrup impression is luxurious but very affordable price
MUTIMEDIA MP5 PLAYER, shaped like I POD, Capacity 8 GB.
CONTACT 031 60507676
Sabun colek Ekonomi 500K
Soap packaging 1 / 2 kg .. dab here and there for maximum results use a dab of soap economy.
Sabun Cuci Sunllight
Laundry soap for your kitchen furniture, try to prove with the scent of lemon oil to expel dirt in your kitchen
BOOM Deterjen
Various brands of detergent powder prepared with various packaging BOOM
Soklin Power / Lantai
Soklin famous name manufacturers, sells various kinds of soap, deodorant, etc.
BuKrim colek / Soap dab bukrim


Soap dab bukrim selling brand, with quality foremost, to produce maximum results at the time of laundering
Kecap ABC renteng / Ketchup ABC


Selling Ketchup ABC successively.
Feel the Sweetness try to prove.
Our wholesale selling the goods.
Gula Halus SUgar
Refined sugars are packed in the Sugar brand packaging tenth kilogram. very suitable material for cakes, etc.
Our biggest supplier in East Java as capable of supplying the needs....
Tissue Gulung Murah
Tissue roll with the low prices suited for restaurants, rice stalls, and toilets.
Obat Nyamuk Kuda


We sell medicine mosquito Horses with quality guaranteed.
Marketing covers all of Indonesia to foreign countries
Sarankan terjemahan yang lebih baik
Maizena Hawai


We sell products for marketing Hawaii cornstarch in Surabaya and its surrounding areas.
Bihun Louhan


suitable for Indonesian cuisine, western, and Chinese cuisine
For more information contact your reservations at 0315023142 Vernando
Sarankan terjemahan ya
kopi Ya Sp


Yes very popular coffee brand by Indonesian youth because the prices are cheap and can compete with the taste of coffee brands on board
Kopi Kapal Api


The fire boat is very delicious coffee aroma and taste rasanya.Coba Prove ..
Kopi ABC Mocca,  Brownies,  Susu


we prepared various kinds of coffee, which is one of the ABC brand.
known in Indonesia since ddahulu.
for reservations may contact Mrs ellen
Mutiara Cap Kucing


Stamp pearl cat is very liked by the people of Indonesia. can be used for additional food, ice cream, etc..
Contact us at 081939777088
Mie GAGA 100


Mie GaGa 100 with a different delicacy give separate class .. contact us for reservations
Tepung Segitiga Biru,  Tepung Kereta Kencana,  Tepung Lencana Merah,  Tepung Murah
Wheat flour prepared various / wheat and starch branded and quality for public purposes.
Hub: + 6231-77780408
Barang-barang Sembako


We Ud. Sumber Jaya open new branches in the distribution of basic food items / food out of the city and the island and to encourage cooperation in terms of distribution of basic....
Aki kering UPS / UPS battery Fujima


we prepared various kinds of batteries ups ranging from the smallest to largest.
Fujima with best in class quality and warranty.
Call 088803257871
battery emergency lamp / aki emergency lamp


we provide the best battery in its class emergency lamp ( FUJIMA) for the needs of offices, factories, and household.
contact for booking on 0318781671
Kue Kering COCOLA / snack cocola


Pastries cocola with attractive designs produced specifically during Lebaran.
Suitable served at opening time together with family or for entertaining guests
Wafer Roll / Astor
Astor Wafer roll brand
made in Indonesia
snack foods suitable for family time together watching
kacang Kupas/ bean peel
we sell packages of nuts peeled dos preformance.
There are two bales per carton 12.5 kg, respectively
so dalam1 dos total weight of 25 kg net
SUSU Bendera Frisian Flag
We sell in bulk milk cans white flag and chocolate flavor.
Contact: 03160507676
Minyak Goreng Ikado
with the quality of cooking oil on the bulk oil.
designed for your health.
provided in containers 19 liters per gallon.
Minyak Goreng Fortune
Fortune brands of cooking oil 1 liter refill packs, 2 liters.
suitable for a longer stint Pingin therefore cheap.
Sarankan terjemahan yang lebih baik
Aki Squad/ Squad Battery
car batteries, motorcycle batteries, battery ganset
Squad brand
with 3 months warranty
best in class
widely used by reputable companies.
contact us at 088803257871
Mie KimLing
Noodles with best-in-class quality, suitable for Indonesian cuisine, china, and europe.
reservations can directly contact + 6231 5023142
Pulpy Orange


Pulpy orange drinks we sell in large quantities.
contact us at 03160507676
feel the pleasure of this drink
Obat Nyamuk Zebra
Zebra insect repellent with Jumbo and Small packaging. for ordering large quantities please call us at + 6231-5017805
Sarankan terjemahan yang lebih baik
We are surabaya distributor indomilk SKM, SKM indomilk sell it at competitive prices.
just call us at 03160507676
Soap that smells wonderful addition to skin health care is also free from germs? just use Lifebuoy soap.
prey call 03160507676
GIV Soap production from PT Wing was enthused by all people because the smell is also an affordable price.
for further reservations hub 03160507676
Kecap cap jeruk pecel
selling party pecel.kemasan citrus soy sauce bottle cap. suited to Indonesian cuisine as well as overseas
Tepung Ketan cap rose Brand
we prepared various kinds of flour with various forms of Rose Brand
: Packaging 1/ 2kg, 1/ 4kg, 1/ 8kg
. We serve the party purchasing konteneran
Gula Jawa / Gula merah/ Jawa Sugar
sugar Java with 10 kg per balnya packaging. We are the sole supplier in java.
for ordering large quantities please give the lag time
Nescafe 3in1
Nescafe coffee so delicious, can be brewed with hot water or with the use of ice.
3 in 1 ie, coffee, milk powder, and sugar in a sachet to add economic value without having to....
beras ketan cap AAA thailand
we also prepared various kinds of super sticky rice for community purposes
Beras cap Dewi Sri
sri rice goddess head cap favored by most people by the cheap price and good quality
Susu Carnation kaleng
selling party Carnation brand canned milk packaging ..
get the best out of our price
broth flavoring spice blend made with quality fresh meat, herbs and spices of choice, so in a practical way to improve your culinary delights daily. Masako  ® flavor and aroma....
Beras kepala super cap Serasi
super quality rice river with the highest level pengkebian
suitable for the highest priority to taste
Beras Cap Lombok Abang
we as wholesale various kinds of rice from the broken up super quality.
brother chilli rice but of medium quality suitable for household punel
Gula GK( gempol kerep )
we sell sugar Mojokerto GK brand.
melayanni our party as well as retail purchases
Tepung kanji Obeng Kembang
starch brand screwdriver in surabaya flowers begin terkenbal because its quality in the beraing in its class.
contact us for ordering large quantities on 031 60507676
Indomilk kaleng
indomilk now with the new formula more nutritious. Indomilk help meet the nutritional needs of your children and help to realize their creativity.
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