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PT. Sawu Indonesia, PT. Energi Alternative Indonesia & PT. Suar PNGO Sistemindo ( Suar Group)
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Suar PnGo providing total solution for NFC technology, SIM, MicroSD Card, handphone and others
Products Catalog (71)
Card Printing PVC and....
UHF RFID Reader with....
DataCard SD-206 Printer
Animal Digital Weighing....
Digital Timbangan Hewan
Portable High Quality....
High speed and density....
Portable Printer MDT....
Zebra P330i and P330mâ „ ....
Zebra P120iâ „ ¢ Dual....
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POS Point of Sales....
Point of Sales Software....
PnGO POS Printer
PnGO Barcode Scanner....
Passport Pencetak ( ....
PnGO Point of Sales ( ....
Handheld Security Guard
PnGO-7654- Printer
DestronFDX-B Electronic....
QP1000D Advanpos
PnGO Cash Drawer
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Biodiesel and Jatropha....
CDM Consultant & CER....
Kompor Minyak Jarak ( ....
NaturDigester Biogas....
Digester Biogas
Mesin Pres dan Filter....
Biogas Naturdigester
Mesin Pengering Padi
Catalytic Converter
SPTC & Koeng Gas....
SPTC Gasoline & Smoke....
Koeng Gas Analyzer and....
Workshop Certification, ....
Lembaga Penilaian....
Workshop Certification....
Emission Testing - Uji....
Certificates (4)
Resi Gudang- Warehouse....
Workshop Certification
RFID Certificate for....
Zebra Training RFID....
Downloads (9)
Advanpos PnGO POS at....
HPOS Dual-Core Chip the....
Chamelon Advanpos
CS-101 Handheld UHF....
Handheld Security Unit
Our Head Office
Suar Next Office ( SNO)
PnGO POS at SushiMise -....
Contact Information
Mr. Bambang Tribudiman [Director/CEO/General Manager]
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Komplek Perum Gading Griya Lestari Blok G1 No. 55 RT.006- RW.09 Kel Sukapura Kec Cilincing
Jakarta Utara Indonesia 14140, Jakarta
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eLibrary PnGO
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Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
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Factory Standard
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Again product PnGO namely elibrary, The PnGO Counter Station is a staff assisted station on services such as loan, return, tagging, sorting and etc. It is loaded with arming/ disarming module, tagging module and sorting module. Arming/ Disarming module allows EAS ( Electronic Article Surveillance) bit inside the tag of the library material to be set/ reset so as to trigger/ not trigger the alarm of the EAS gate. Checking of EAS status of library material is easy. The staff puts the item on the reader and click on the view to display the information stored inside the tag and status of EAS. There are also feature of Auto Arming and Auto Disarm. Auto Arm/ Disarm will automatic arm/ disarm library material that is within the Reader range.
Together with circulation module from Library Automation Software, this station is used for the following services:
• Editing and updating of patron’ s record
• Add and deleting of patron’ s record
• Generate loan history for a particular patrons
• Managing of fines incurred by the patron
• Arm/ Disarm of EAS bit inside the library material
• Program of new library material
• Sort item in accordance to their branch and category number
The features of this station depend on the module loaded by the Library Automation Software.
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