FREESTYLE GLIDER CARDIO[Jul. 6, 2011 15:38:26]
A revolutionary exercise device that can do 10 different basic movements. Only with a tool, can be used for aerobics, performing various styles of exercises for toning, shaping the body, burn fat / calories and stretching.
Freestyle Glider Cardio. With this tool we can work with fun, without hurting your knees, joints and back and the price is much cheaper than a treadmill. This tool can train the heart, build muscle in the body and tighten the parts of any desired such as hands, chest, shoulders, arms, back, biceps, waist, buttocks, thighs and calves
With 10 kinds of motion exercises Free Style Glider following makes the activities of home-gym at home more enjoyable:
- Stretching
- Walking / Jogging
- sprinting
- Squeezing ( chest, hip, calf)
- Lean forward ( chest, shoulders, triceps)
- Back Forward ( back, biceps, waist)
- Inner / outher thigh ( inner thighs, outer thighs)
- Swing
- Total body
- 60 second challenge trubo
Each Purchase Freestyle Glider BONUS Cardio vouchers SHOPPING / Pieces Rp 70, 000