Outdoor plotter machine type ZY-3208 is colored orange, can be categorized as special, because the size of a common market 3.2 M, with the ink solvent is also an often encountered in the market, but has more value can be printed in flat media, especially mediated foamboard, plywood, cardboard, rubber, kalsiboat ( gypsum) but still can also print other outdoor dibahan in general. As for speed and color prints no doubt, because this machine uses a printhead SEIKO Japan 1440dpi resolution. INFO HUB: NAME: CHRISTIAN SETYOWIBOWO No.HP: 0899 377 8521 / 08585 0685 477 E-mail: speeddigitalbannersby4@ yahoo.co.id website: http: / / www.speeddigitalbanner.com Blog: http: / / speedsurabaya.blogspot.com