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Manufacture Of PVC Rubber

Manufacture Of PVC RubberSekarang Souvenir-online.com sudah melayani pemesanan berbagai jenis souvenir dari karet , baik design sendiri maupun model yang sudah ada . kami melayani pemesanan partai kecil maupun besar , bisa untuk souvenir pernikahan maupun untuk promosi perusahaan . berikut contoh produk :

1. Keychain
2. Handphone Stands
3. Handphone Chains
4. Magnetic Rubber
5. Bracelet
6. Mug pad
7. Flashdisk Case
8. Photo Frame
9. Stasionary Acesories
10.Name Tag
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Gantungan Kunci Karet Model helm Merek Caberg
Minimum Order : 1000pcs

Here are the key chains Sample orders caberg helmet models. for those of you who are interested to order a souvenir from the rubber please contact us, ....
Gantungan Hp Karet
Minimum Order: 1000pcs

Here is the example of hanger phone orders from various companies. for those of you who are interested to order a souvenir from the rubber please contact....
Kepala Resleting Merek Refita
Minimum Order: 1000pcs

Here is a sample order with zipper head Refita brand of rubber material. You bermanat to order a souvenir from a rubber material please contact us.
Gelang karet
Minimum order: 1000pcs

Here is an example order a bracelet for promotion. It is also very suitable for a wedding gift is made because we can create a bracelet with the name of....
Frame Belfodd
Minimum Order: 1000pcs

Here is an example of a picture frame with a rubber material belfood brand. This is perfect for souvenirs pernikan mapun for corporate promotions. This....
Promotion Gift Rubber
Minimum Order: 1000pcs

Here is an example order a variety of companies with various forms of order. you wish to order a souvenir from a rubber material please contact us.

showing 1-6 of 6
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