Registration Date:
Jun. 25, 2024 - Last Updated: Nov. 22, 2015
Business Nature
Trade, Service of Computer Hardware & Software category

Company Brief

Commerce Software Development Services Program serving and Software for the means of supporting an occupational activities for individuals, companies, and organizations. Customize Full-service where the program or software that we create can be customized with grooves or business processes in the company or organization that will use the program or the software. so there is no such case the Company must follow the workflow or business processes that are in the program or the software, and that is the one of the advantages we compared the Development Services Program and Development Services Other software or program that has been in the form of package and bundling.
The program is a long-term investment for the company, because the program that fits the needs and the flow of the company' s business will create cost efficiency, effectiveness of work, real time data to the enterprise, data accuracy, and everything a matter that relates to the data will be well organized and able presents a complete and accurate report.
Program and Software What We Make?
The program that we made, among others, is a program based Desktop ( Client Server) and web-based program that can be tailored to the needs of the client that almost covers all the needs of its business activities, such as:

Software Point Of Sales
Software Inventory
Accounting Software / Accounting
ERP Software
CRM Software
Software Production System
Project Management Software
Software Plantation
Software Hospital
Software Pharmacies

Building Management Software
Software Restaurant
Logging Software
Software Laundry
HRD & Payroll Software
Software Online Education
Software Test Online
Software Archiving and E-Filing
Software Manufacture
Software Showroom

Software Export Import
Hospitality Software
Software Travel Agent
Administration Software
Software Cooperative
Software Library
Billing Software
Software Technical Analyst
Software Asset Management
and others-lan

We also provide Development Services Program and Software Development Services Full Customize by designing systems and grooves ( Flowchart) of program or software to be created, so that it can follow and adapt to your company' s business processes.