Gelas Songga ( Gelas obat Tradisional Daerah Bima - NTB)
Songga is specific wood of Bima ( Sumbawa Island) Indonesian, it was traditionally used to prevent health - disorder like : Malaria, Headache, Anemia, Stomach-ache, Diabetes, Premature Ejaculation, Febrifuge, etc.
It Consist of; Logarin, Silikat, Styrikhnos, Mangan, Fat, Zat samak, Copper, Protein , Alcoloida/ Strich in bruin
Pour down warm water ( 10' -25' C) wait 1 minute to 5 minutes and then be ready to drink
Do not use het water ( 100' C) or do not put in refrigerator because it makes the glass brakes/ damages.