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    SYBER SMA-233 GSM Cell Phone Repeater and Boosters 900MHz ( telkomsel,  kartu halo,  simpati,  mentari,  matrix,  proxl) / Penguat sinyal Sellular GSM / HP

    SYBER SMA-233 GSM Cell Phone Repeater and Boosters 900MHz ( telkomsel, kartu halo, simpati, mentari, matrix, proxl) / Penguat sinyal Sellular GSM / HP

    Free STD Outdoor / Indoor Coaxial Cable **
    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
    Good price before february
    Pack. & Delivery:
    Box - Box
    SYBER SMA-233 is Cell Phone wide band repeater and booster for GSM is device for to increase your signal cell phone at your small office that GSM basic frequency with wide band 900 Mhz.

    This Cell Phone Repeater use duplexer system, means duplexer make easy and simple how to installation.

    Duplexer and band pass filter very important to detect uplink and downlik of frequency. We need stabillization of frequency if we didn' t want drop call with using 8 mobile phone in same times.

    We serve to help how to installation and we have a meansurement rules

    Specification technic for cell phone repeater is:

    GSM Repeater
    1. SYBER USA Tipe SMA-233 GSM
    2. Working System : GSM900
    3. GSM Upstream : 890 – 915 MHz, DownStream : 935 -960 MHz
    4. Delay Time of Delivery : < 6 Micro S
    5. Noise Coefficient : < 6 dB
    6. Input minimum : -100dB
    7. Gain : 50 dB
    8. Power : 25 W
    9. Working Voltage : AC ~ 220V / 110V DC ~ 9-12V

    Attention :
    Repeater and booster GSM have gain 50-70dB

    Use for personal office, home, mining and etc. This repeater can using with Fax machine in same time.

    More value from Syber Repeater SMA 233 :
    1. We use good quality for PA, duplexer and band pass filter. ( from Japan and Europe)
    2. In same time, this unit can make call until 8 mobile phone
    3. High stabilization of signal
    4. we give 6 month guarantee for defect production.
    5. We give fuel guaranty if use our enginerring toinstall

    We serve your need it fully and get satisfactions more

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