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Name:Mr. malming martanegara
E-mail:Send Message
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. malming martanegara at ciputat
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. malming martanegara at ciputat
Address:ciputat, Banten
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Registration Date:Nov. 1, 2015
Last Updated:Nov. 1, 2015
Business Nature:Trade of Electronics & Electrical category

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Energy saving movement has consistently implement in the world, especially Indonesia where every individual or institution has committed to make savings on electricity usage.
Energy efficient lighting products become one of concrete steps to reduce the use of electrical power, so that the world will be able to save costs at the same time can reducing CO2 emissions which driving climate change and global warming.
Determined to contribute to the world through business with environmental friendly and focuses on energy-saving products, PT. SITTATU ILHAM PERSADA offering street lighting ( PJU) products SILAMDAS.
Why Street Light? Because Street Light is one of much considerable electrical energy, and in addition ità ¢ â ‚ ¬ â „ ¢ s people rights to enjoy cause the government has taken 3-10% electricity bills for street lighting tax.
Distributing solutive products to overcome world energy crisis problem
Being a company that is always serve innovation to distribute energy efficient products as well as being competitive in price and quality
The usage of SILAMDAS LED lights only require + / - 25% of the cost of electricity usage each month. Therefore it gives cost savings for companies
SILAMDAS LED lights be able to reduce the portion of energy use for general lighting. Thus, these electrical energy savings can be enjoyed by a growing number of other electric users.
Peoples can still enjoy lighting at night though rolling blackouts is occurred
Reducing Index crime rate within dark area
Reducing PLN peak load at night
1. Government ( central government / regional government)
2. Developer/ Management of Industrial & Warehousing
3. Developer/ Management of Housing
4. Developer/ Management of Tourism
5. Airports Business
6. Railway Station Business
7. Seaport Business
8. Land Mass Transportation Business
9. Facility Management & Public Infrastructure
- Sports Turf / Stadium
- Garden / Forest City
- Public Library
- Hospital
And other parties that interest in electrical energy saving

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