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    Shachi Engineering Evaporators:
    Evaporators are thermal concentrators. Evaporators are for concentrating dilute liquids, for increasing solids content & for reducing volume by evaporating water.

    Evaporators are based on steam economy i.e. Kg of solvent evaporated per Kg of steam used. Reusing evaporated solvent as heating medium, higher steam economies are achieved. This method of increasing utilization of steam is used in multi-effect evaporator. In multi-effect evaporator vapour from the first effect is passed over to the next effect in which boiling takes place at lower temperature & pressure.

    Thermo-compression evaporator is another alternative to increase steam economy. Vapor of solvent evaporated is compressed & is used as heating medium in the same evaporator.

    Selection of evaporator depends on the various properties of feed & product such as crystallization, foaming, corrosion, salting & scaling.

    Shachi Engineering
    Types of Evaporators:

    * Falling Film Evaporators
    * Rising Film Evaporators
    * Forced Circulation Evaporators
    * Short Tube Evaporators
    Falling Film Evaporators
    * The feed gets distributed and thin film is formed
    * Hold up and residence time is short hence liquid does not get overheated
    In Falling film evaporators, feed solution forms a film in the evaporator tubes & gets evaporated. These are best suited for heat sensitive materials such as fruit juices. The hold up time is short & liquid doesn't get overheated. Falling film evaporators are not suitable for crystallizing liquids. They are not suitable for salting & severely scaling liquids or solutions.
    Rising Film Evaporators
    * Useful for moderately heat sensitive product
    * Compact and simple design
    * Most suitable for corrosive liquids
    In rising film feed, solution forms a rising film in the tubes. These are unsuited to salting or severely scaling liquids. These evaporators are compact, simple in construction. They are suitable for corrosive liquids.
    Forced Circulation Evaporators
    * Can handle salting, scaling and fouling liquids
    * Best suitable for crystalline products, corrosive viscous solutions
    Forced circulation evaporators can handle salting, scaling & fouling liquids. They are best suitable for crystalline products, corrosive & viscous solutions.
    These evaporators have relatively high hold up or residence time thus not suitable for heat sensitive liquids. They suffer frequently from plugging of tubes, salting in tubes & poor circulation.
    Short Tube Vertical Evaporators
    * Reclusively less expensive
    * Facilitate easy de-scaling
    * Can be widely used in sugar industry.

    Short tube evaporators are the oldest but still widely used. They are most widely used in Sugar Industry in evaporation of cane-sugar juice.

    They are relatively inexpensive & easy de-scaling. This type is seldom used as a crystallizing evaporator. By installing a propeller, propeller calendria type evaporator can be used for crystalline products. They suffer from mild scaling but can be cleaned mechanically.
    We offer single effect or multi-effect evaporators according to product properties & /or clients requirement with or without thermal compression to lower temperatures & reduce residence time of product.

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