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  • Soybean P.E.

    Soybean P.E.

    Name] Soybean P.E.
    [ Latin Name] Glycina max
    [ Source] Soybean germ of Glycina max
    Soybean cake of Glycina max
    [ Specification] Isoflavones 20% 40%
    [ Description] Light yellow powder

  • Epimedium P.E.

    Epimedium P.E.

    [ Name] Epimedium P.E.
    [ Latin Name] Epimedium brevicornum Maxim
    [ Source] Stem and leaf of Barberry ¡  ¯ s Eplimedium brevicornum
    [ Specification] Icariin 5Â £ Â ¥ -30Â £ Â ¥
    [ Description] ....

  • Horsetail P.E.

    Horsetail P.E.

    [ Name] Horsetail P.E.
    [ Latin Name] Equisetum arvense L
    [ Source] Stalk and leaf of Equisetum arvense L
    [ Specification] Silica 7%
    [ Description] Yellowish brown powder
    [ Analytical....

  • Naringin


    Name] Naringin
    [ Latin Name] Citus paradisi Macfadyen
    [ Source] the fruit of Citrus paradisi Macfadyen
    [ Specification] Naringin 98%
    [ Description] Light yellow powder
    [ Analytical....

  • artichoke extract

    artichoke extract

    Artichoke Extract
    specification: 2.5% , 5% , 10: 1
    hplc and uv

  • Green tea P.E

    Green tea P.E

    [ Name] Green tea P.E.
    [ Latin Name] Camellia sinensis
    [ Source] Dry young leaf of Theaceae ¡  ¯ s Camellia sinensis
    [ Specification] polyphenol 40% 50% 98%
    [ Description] Yellowish....

  • Rhodiola rosea extract

    Rhodiola rosea....

    [ Name] Rhodiola rosea extract
    [ Latin Name] Rhodiolasachalinensis ¡  ¡ A £  ® Bor £  ®
    [ Source] Dry whole plant
    [ Specification] Salidroside 1% 2% 3%
    Rosavin 1% 2% 3%
    [ Description] ....

  • Huperzia Serrate P.E

    Huperzia Serrate P.E

    [ Name] Huperzia Serrate P.E.
    [ Latin Name] Huperzia serratum
    [ Source] Dry stalk and leaf of Lycopodineae ¡  ¯ s Huperzia serratum
    [ Specification] Huperzine A 1% 5% 98%
    [ Description] ....

  • Boswellia Serrate P.E.

    Boswellia Serrate P....

    [ Name] Boswellia Serrate P.E.
    [ Latin Name] Olibanum
    [ Source] Dry gum seeped from Boswellia carterii Birdw or Boswelia bhaw dajiana Birdw.and Boswellia neglectaM.Moore.

  • Wolfberry P.E.

    Wolfberry P.E.

    [ Name] Wolfberry P.E.
    [ Latin Name] Lycium Barbarum L.
    [ Source] Dry mature fruit of Solanaceae ¡  ¯ s Lycium Barbarum L.
    [ Specification] LBP 40% 50%
    [ Description] Brown Fine Powder

  • Magnolia P.E.

    Magnolia P.E.

    [ Name] Magnolia P.E.
    [ Latin Name]
    [ Source] The bark of Magnolia officinalis Rehd.et Wils or Magnolia officinalis Rehd. Et Wils. Var. biloba Rehd. Et Wils
    [ Specification] Honokiol....

  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract

    Garcinia Cambogia....

    [ Name] Garcinia Cambogia Extract
    [ Latin Name] Garcinia Cambogia
    [ Source] the fruit of Garcinia Cambogia
    [ Specification] HCA ( hydroxycitric acid) 60%
    [ Description] Off-white Powder....

  • Name] Siberian Ginseng P.E.

    Name] Siberian....

    Name] Siberian Ginseng P.E.
    [ Latin Name] Acanthopanax setchuenensis
    [ Source] Dry stalk and leaf of Acanthopanax setchuenensis
    [ Specification] Eleutherosides 0.8%
    [ Description] ....

  • White Willow Bark P.E

    White Willow Bark P....

    [ Name] White Willow Bark P.E.
    [ Latin Name] Salix babylonica L.
    [ Source] Fresh leaf and stick of Salix parpurea var longipetiolato
    [ Specification] Salicin 15% 25% 30%
    [ Description] ....

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