Specification :
Humic Acide40g/ L, Ne100g/ L, P2O5e36g/ L, K2Oe67g/ L
Applied Corps:
All kinds of solanaceous fruit vegetable, beans vegetables, leaf vegetables, gourd vegetable
1.replenish nutrient element quickly which are need by the plants, have the characteristic of quick-acting, efficient, long-acting
2.for leaf vegetables: make the root group getting stronger, leaves getting more green and thicker, the plant getting taller
3.beans vegetables, gourd vegetable: make the plant grow faster and the fruit getting bigger, nice appearance, increase the output
4.solanaceous fruit vegetable: promote pollination, increase fruit rate, make leaves getting more green and thicker, fruit look nice and bigger, improve the fruit quality
5.good for environment, degrade fertilizer residual effectively
6.improve photosynthesis and chlorophyll formation, make the leaves getting more green and thicker, plant grow obviously in a short time
7.prevent yellow leaves, small leaves, rolled-up leaves, leaves falling, spotted leaves, fruit deformity, chapped fruit effectively
8.promote flower bud differentiation, adjust the male and female flower ratio automatically, increase pollen viscosity, pollening rate
9.reduce fruit falling, flower falling, activate the activity of the enzyme 10.promote the transmit of the inorganic nutrients in the plant, supply the nutrients for the flower and fruit continuously 11.can prevent the premature senility, resist drought, low temperature, flood and disease effectively
12.make the fruit look nice, raise the quality level as 1-2, prolong the transport and retain freshness time