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SENASIA Computer

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  • NOKIA E 65............$ 65,  NOKIA E 61i......40$ ,  NOKIA 8801........$ 30,  NOKIA 8800 sirco with accesorries.........$ 65....... .,  NOKIA X6.............75$ ,  samsung galaxy s armani.............$ 75,  silahkan di order.

    NOKIA E 65..............


    product from japan import and have 2 years quarantie and services 2 month.

  • paketan 1 ibm thin pad Rp1.900.000,  acer as 5720 - 6661 Rp2.400.000,  sony vaioo vgn p 530 h/ r Rp2.300.000,  hp pavilion dv 6325 us Rp2.280.000,  lenovo think pad book x 200 Rp 1.900.000,  apple mac book zo - 4gb mac notebook Rp 2.508.000

    paketan 1 ibm thin....

    sudah tercantum

    the product is from japan naturally and have quarantie and replacement and having order for first

  • nokia e 65....us50,  nokia n 95 4 -8gb w accesories....us50,  bb bold 9000....us40,  bb storm 9530....us40,  intel sl9s7 cpu 6700 core 2 duo proccesor - 2,  66ghz 4 mb cache,  1066......30 us,  seagate hd momentus 5400.6gp 2.5 " ' 500 gb / sata/ 8mb....30 us

    nokia e 65....us50, ....


    product from japan naturally and have quarantie 2 years old, and services 2 month.

  • apple i phone 4 32....60u$ ,  nokia e 65....50U$ ,  nokia n 95 4-8gb w accesories....50 U$ ,  nokia s 500 xpress music.......50U$ ,  BB bold 9000......40U$ ,  SE Xpress x9........50U$

    apple i phone 4 32......


    handphone product from japan naturally and have quarantie 3 years
    and 3 month every time...

  • monitor LCD samsung sync master e 1920 x - 18.5' ' -widescreen ...40 us,  acer all1916wab 19" ' widescreen lcd monitor.......50 us

    monitor LCD samsung....

    harga sudah ada

    product from japan asli and have 2 quarantie and 2 month quarantie service...and naturally 100 % from japan

  • mobile phone murah murah nokia 5800 express music 50 us,  bb storm 9500 40 us,  bb pearl 8100 45 us,  samsung galaxy tab 100 us,  SE xperia X8 us 50,  bb torch 9800 us 70,  nokia 97 32 gb with accesories us 65.sekali lagi barang import no BM.

    mobile phone murah....

    sudah ada

    the product is from japan naturally but having supply for first, product is 2 quarantie persent, and 2 month repcement, any body buy...

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