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Mr. Harso Susanto [Owner/Entrepreneur]


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Phone number of Mr. Harso Susanto at Bantul

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Mobile number of Mr. Harso Susanto at Bantul


Sanggrahan RT09 RW14 Banguntapan
Bantul 55198, Yogyakarta

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Products Catalog

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PriceRp. 26.000
Fruit plate made of waste newspaper and carton paper. Dimension is Diameter= 30 cm, height= 7 cm.
PriceRp. 250.000
OriginUnited Kingdom (Great Britain)
Chair made of waste newspaper. The dimension is ( 58x58x58) cm.
No additional material such wood or metal in it. It can hold around 100 kgs burden in it.
PriceRp. 70.000
OriginUnited Kingdom (Great Britain)
Round Mirror made of waste newspaper Dimension Diameter= 55 cm and thckness= 3 cms. Inner Diameter ( mirror) = 35 cms.
PriceRp. 100.000
Stool made of waste newspaper. Dimension ( 40x40x40) cm and can hold 80 kgs on it. No additional base material such as wood or metal to make it strong. The only material used is....
PriceRp. 40.000
Magazine Holder made of waste newspaper. Dimension ( 42x25x32) cm. It can hold 10 kgs burden in it. There is no additional materials such as wood or metal in it.
End table made of waste newspaper. Dimension ( 50x50x50) cm. There is no additional material such as wood aor metals. The only main material is waste paper. It can hold burden up....
showing 1-6 of 6
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