PENDAHULUAN Salam Kenal, PT. Kharismapratama .... ; sparepart.medan@ Jakarta Representative CP: Freddy Tanujaya, ST Mobile: 08164833006 / 081280002397 Telp: + 62....
Providing Services Provision of Personal Driver .... have a representative for the region of the capital Jakarta Our driver has a driver' s license kualifasi A and SIM-B, dressed neatly and....
On this auspicious occasion, let us from PT.TIARA Gada Primary, in this case the company Services Provider of Domestic Workers with experience of outsourcing services provision and management We....
We sell Phosphorescence powder and paint, also known as " glow in the dark" , ie powder / paint that can give off light despite the dark / night days.We have a representative / agent in Medan City, ....
We are a trading business of civet coffee ( robusta and arabica) , which provides, process, and sell the product of civet coffee. We also provides, produce, and sell oil pine resin from our land ( ....
SDS ( Same Day Service) Our service also includes delivery of SDS for the purpose of Medan and Jakarta area. Info document delivery / packet should we accept at 09: 00 pm at the latest so that we can....
Please allow us to introduce previously CV ARMADA DIRGANTARA INDONESIA ( ADI) CARGO as one company engaged in the delivery of packages and documents and Domestic Courier City.
Sell hydraulic hose pressing machine Finn .... purposes -etc Price Rp.34.000.000, - nett franko Jakarta. For more information, contact: HP: 081-327-31-7070 BB PIN: 326dad2b Email: ....
We are engaged in the sale: high-pressure hose ( high pressure hose assembly) or commonly known as hydraulic hoses ( hydraulic hose) . -hose machine -steam hose -waterblast hose -sandblast hose....
The bulk of municipal waste is biodegradable organic matter ( 60-75% ) coming from the kitchen and yard. This kind of waste if allowed or too late will be processed in anaerobic odor due process....
In the category of material of organic fertilizer ( compost) , CVSK has successfully engineer the compost microbial activators Green Phoskko ® , bulking materials and machinery equipment-scale....
We accept electoral pin offer. Good quality, competitive price, practice to control.
en printo provides the service of pin printing, mug printing, t-shirt printing, and other digital printing with smart price, brief workmanship time, and good quality, and also can order just one....