We sell FEED Additive We sell DCP Dicalcium Phosphate Feed Grade Packaging 25 Kilograms Bags Form: powder and fine bead, granular Uses: : Feed Industrial Contact Our Sales Phone ....
Phone: + 6281328854445. + 62-22-70521721. Supplier of Special Chemicals = TRUST and FRIENDLY SERVICES = Fine chemicals...
AMARILYS~ AMARILIS Latin= Eurycles Amboinensis( L.) Lindl. Familia= Amaryllidaceae Indonesia= Bunga amarilis.. Malaysia= Bunga sepenuh... English= Brisbane Lily, Cardwell Lily > > READY....
Dipokusumo Farm.... is supplier for agrobusiness products.. Dipokusumo Farm.... is the supplier for fruit , medicinal and flower plants. The collection for fruit , medicinal and flower plants....
MOREL BERRY ~ CUTLEAF GROUNDCHERRY , MULLACA ~ Physalis angulata L. , Physalis peruviana Ciplukan-Cecendet Indonesian = Ciplukan, Cecendet Latin = Physalis peruviana, Linn. Synonym = Physalis....
AgroKusumaFarm is suppliers of agroproduct and herbal from lovely Indonesia countries , Origin= Indonesia, Central-East-West Java
Harfix B-173 is a special formulation for NPK or Phosphate granulation
We are trading and chemical supplier for industrial company. Esspecially for pigment powders, we have wide range of colour collection.
Spuyer/ Sepuyer/ Spraiyer Spuyer/ Sepuyer/ Spraiyer Spuyer/ Sepuyer/ Spraiyer
Our Company product all furniture hardware from casting brass and solid brass, tin and alloy metal become indoor furniture accessories, garden furniture accessories and building component. TIGA....
~ Ruella napifera Zoll et Mor. TANAMAN KECI BELING~ Keci Beling * * SMS= + 628891911787 * * SMS= + 6281326220589 * * SMS= + 6281901389117 * * Dipokusumo01@ yahoo.com
Dipokusumo Farm... is supplier for agrobusiness products... Dipokusumo Farm... is the supplier for fruit plants and flower plants. The collection for fruit plants is over 100 varieties from local....
PUPUK ORGANIX CAIR mampu menyehatkan tanaman , sayur, buah , hewan ternak berteknologi organix karya anak negeri Indonesia
CIPLUKAN CECENDET Indonesia= Ciplukan, Cecendet Physalis peruviana, Linn. Sinonim= Physalis angulata. Linn. Physalis minina, Linn. Familia= Solanaceae Ready Stock Dried Morel berry ( English) , ....
Dipokusumo Farm is supplier for agrobusiness products Dipokusumo Farm is the supplier for fruit plants and flower plants. The collection for fruit plants is over 100 varieties from local and....
Basically the way of fertilizer is the way colorimetric test refers to the Indonesian National Standard guidelines that include the types of fertilizers, among others: Triple Phosphate Fertilizer, ....
CV Berkah Amanah CV is a company engaged in pengukura tools, testing tools, agricultural implements. As the flagship product of NPK Meter. This tool is a production by country boy.
we sell Albasia falcataria ( L) . seed and palnting. we sell jabon samama seed and planting Anthocephalus chinensis ( Lamk) , we sell acacia mangium seed, for detail information, please....
you can find us at facebook. please add us @ .... kultur jaringan, unggulan, panen cepat, jumbo, pupuk, Anthocephalus chinensis ( Lamk) , Anthocephalus cadamba Miq. Family: Rubiaceae., Nama....
CV.BUMI MAKMUR, the Company manufacturers a complete fertilizer, balanced and nutritious, CAP LUMBUNGMAS, ready to assist the needs of farmers to cultivate and manage agricultural estates also to....
CV.BUMI PROSPEROUS, the Company manufacturers a complete fertilizer, balanced and nutritious, CAP LUMBUNGMAS, ready to assist the needs of farmers to cultivate and manage agricultural estates also to....
SELF ( Sapetro Effective Liquid Fertilizer) Designed and made by experts and practitioners of agriculture. very helpful to control land from a natural nutrient, highly efficient and highly....
SEMESTA MULTI AGRI RESCOURCES & TECHNOLOGY' s company is that agribusiness companies in early development are participating in the success of the Green energy programs from the plant Jatropha ( ....
bibit azolla microphylla super siap kirim ke seluruh wilayah di indonesia melalui ekspedisi, tiki, jne, ems, dll
our company sell azolla microphylla seed, ready to deliver all around indonesia. also sells nila fish, EM4, micro bactery starter, plants seed, etc
SUGAR APPLE~ ANNONA SQUAMOSA L Annona squamosa L .... sekali. NPK 15-15-15 sebanyak 30 â € “ 40 gram per pot. Pupuk Kandang 5 kg yang disebar diatas media tanam. ~ 4. Setelah umur 2 tahun , NPK....
LANGGENGSARI FARM .. is naming ... a business entity engaged dibidang service efforts .. trading... and take an active role .... participate in the development and economic empowerment and improving....
Dried Stevia, we provide high quality dried stevia leaves, with and without the twig. Our product is organically grown, using local organic compost. We can continously supply in high demand industry.