FEATURES - Accurate at low flows - Simple and durable - Compatible with a variety of chemicals - Visual flow monitoring ( SPX Only) APPLICATIONS - Low flow monitoring - Chemical batching -....
type of flow meter, model flow meter, type flow meter, Flowmeter, Flow Meter, Analog flow meter, Automatic Meter Reading, Calorimetric, Calorimetric flow transmitter, cheap water flow meter, chemical....
NPK Tester, Alat Uji kadar NPK Pupuk : Contact : HP 08211 2015 928, e-mail : k111222555@ yahoo.com
alat beton alat tanah alat aspal uji beton .... Kompos, Mesin Granulator Kompos | Mesin Granulator Pupuk Organik, Mesin Pengering Kompos | Mesin Rotary Dryer Kompos, Cetak Kompos Manual | Mesin....
CV. RAKAJU LAB TEKNIK.supplier peralatan Quality .... Kompos, Mesin Granulator Kompos | Mesin Granulator Pupuk Organik, Mesin Pengering Kompos | Mesin Rotary Dryer Kompos, Cetak Kompos Manual | Mesin....
Alat ujipupuk, Uji Pupuk Fertilizer Test  tools to establish levels of fertilizer nutrients rapidly in the field based on the simplification of the fertilizer analysis  Consists of:  - 1....
CV. Romora TAMA is Manufacturing Company, maker .... Surber Type Stream Bottom Sampler Swing sampler Uji Pupuk uji tanah sawah | PUTS Alat Uji Tanah Kering Soil pH, Moisture, Lux & Temp ( ....
Biogas Digester BD 1000L or also called as portable biogas digester is the plant for cooking fuel at the household level. However, it can also be used in the provision of logistical needs to move ( ....
PT. Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana, derived from CV to Limited Company ( PT) with Ano Notaries Muhammad, SH No. 5 and Indonesia of Justice Registration No.C- 03484th HT.01.01 Th 2006. Making agriculture ( ....
Pathogen Test Kit, Water Test Kit, Environment .... Soil Test Kit, Fuel Test Kit, Fertilizer Test Kit, Pupuk Test kit. WSSV, Shrimple, Test Kit, Immunoassay, ELISA, PL, Shrimp Virus, Virus, Prawn....
Zinc oxide is a white, powdery mineral that is used for making plastics and other textiles. It also appears in some cosmetics. This mineral is not soluble in water, but it does dissolve in acidic....
We are trading & manufacturing company with focus on business agriculture products such as an organic essential oil ; clove oil, nutmeg oil, patchouli oil, ginger oil, vetiver oil, cananga oil, piper....
Vibrating Screen for more specifications you needs or order, dont hesitate to contact me anytime.. for you as my customer, there are no boundaries time for you to contact me..
COMPANY PROFILE INTRODUCTION In 2005 we were concentrated for the moulding and Rubber sparepart manufacturing. inspired by Mr. Iding Kusnadi of his hardwork in October 2009 we are expanding the....
Biogas BioDigester BD 1000L or Portable Biogas Digester is simultaneously generating waste destruction converter for cooking activities. Every day, under ideal conditions, produce 1 m3 of biogas, 50....
Recognizing that in the future chemical fertilizer ( anorganic) as non- renewable natural materials ( unrenewable) to the less availability, and, on the other hand, there is the health awareness of....
Biogas Digester BD 1000L is a biogas plant for cooking fuel at the household level and the provision of logistical needs to move ( camping, the generation of energy in order to survival in the jungle....
Composting is a process where organic materials have decomposition ( decomposition) is biologically, by microbes that utilize organic matter ( C) as an energy source. Processing organic waste and....
Dibbling fell out of favor with fertilizer manufacturers and growers due to concerns of plant injury with roots being so close to the critical mass of fertilizer. Dibbling use to be a common and....
Fertilization is intended to replace the lost nutrients carried by harvest, evaporation ( volatilization) , leaching by ground water, the binding of another chemical in the soil ( fixation) , and so....
BriXUP terdiri dari bahan sederhana yang sangat aman untuk digunakan sebagai pupuk, karena terbuat dari bahan alamiah atau organic. Bahkan BriXUP juga aman untuk dikonsumsi manusia dan hewan karena....
Bergerak di bidang perkebunan dengan fokus di budidaya buah naga super red
Feritlizer TSP Quality : Good Color : Brown Content of P2O5 = 46 percent FOT Belawan , Surabaya, Dumai or Lampung Warehouse
We are Fertilizer and Chemical Trading and General Contractor Company. We guarantee customer' s satisfaction. Guarantees on quality, service excellence, and a competitive price. Honesty, Hard Work, ....
BIO MIKRO TAMBAK Bio Mikro Tambak consists of probiotik microba, enzim and hormone that increase quality, productivity and cycle of life for shrimp and fish in embarkment area. Bio Mikro using....
Located at Parung, West Java. It well known as one of Indonesia Central location for fisheries and plants. This strategic location gives reasons for us to be partner for people who involve in....
Organic plants suvenir with no chemical fertilizer/ pesticide. Suitable for wedding souvenir, green events and other events. Choices of Mint, Basil, Parsley Curly and Parsley Flat, oregano, marjoram....
We serve good quality organic produce and services such as : 1. BABY Organic vegetable and Little BABY Organic vegetable for your baby 2. Organic Home Gardening one day training 3. Organic....